It’s always a lovely idea to put a bird feeder around the house. After all, it’s only right we keep our animal friends fed.
But some animals get a little too hungry.
This was one very greedy squirrel.
When you live in a neighborhood with so many birds flying around, it would be nice to see them visit your place for a snack or two.
It’s hitting two birds in one stone, really (no pun intended). You help feed birds in transit while you get to enjoy their presence.
Most people love that, especially when you hear their lovely chirps and see their beautiful colors.
Attracting birds has its benefits.
It’s also suitable for your garden when you have birds flying around. They are known pollinators, so if you want your flowers to bloom and your plants to grow, you’ll have the best chance if you place a bird feeder outside.
But seeds attract more than birds.
Do you know who else loves seeds? Rodents. A bird feeder can potentially attract skunks, chipmunks, raccoons, opossums, and squirrels.
Once they get to the feeder, expect that everything there will be wiped out.
This squirrel thought he had it made.
He saw a squirrel-proof bird feeder full of seeds, went in, and snacked on them to his heart’s delight.
Like many of us, when it’s snack time, and we see something yummy, there’s no telling us how much is enough.
Unless we’re in a cage.
When he was done feasting and had his ‘fair’ share, he attempted to get out of it only to find himself stuck.
Yep. He ate so much he got stuck.
The couple who owned the bird feeder saw the poor fellow stuck in the cage and immediately called for help.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Surrey, England, came to the rescue.
Freedom on the horizon
They brought a wire clipper and slowly cut parts of the cage, ensuring not to harm the little guy. Little by little, they were able to set him loose until he was free.
The squirrel immediately ran away from the scene once he was free.
He wasn’t harmed, but his pride and ego indeed were. But at least they don’t need any medical attention, unlike other incidents that the RSPCA had responded to in the past.
RSPCA says avoid squirrel-proof bird feeders.
They said that while this type of bird feeder is meant to keep rodents away, some still have big holes and that rodents (like squirrels) can squeeze themselves in.
Of course, once they get inside and eat, they can’t get out anymore.
They get stuck pretty easily.
There’s a huge possibility that it will attract wildlife, but at least no one gets trapped and harmed in the process.
They might lose all the bird seeds, but that’s a lesser concern than having a trapped animal inside.
Still insist on squirrel-proof bird feeders?
They simply suggested keeping checking on the feeder and keeping an eye on wildlife from time to time. Then, they can call RSPCA for assistance.
See this chubby fella get rescued in the video below!
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