We all have that song. It’s the one that we just can’t help but sing when it comes on. Maybe we have childhood trauma associated with it from when we broke up with our middle-school crush. Maybe it evokes a sense of nostalgia and a desire for things to be better. Or maybe, it brings back those memories of when you were a bit “wilder” and “the song” would come on, promoting you to dance with your friends in some questionable establishments!

For one little Chihuahua, that song is a classic we all love.

While we don’t often think of animals as great singers, some really do try! Humans don’t have a monopoly on music, it seems. As we are about to see in this video, there is one way to unite humans and animals in singing unity.

It’s Whitney Houston.

If there was ever an individual that could touch the hearts of humans and dogs alike, it’s Whitney. The famous singer has sold over 200 million records worldwide and is a certified legend, for all intents and purposes.
Fancy is a Chihuahua who has cultivated a love for Whitney that surpasses that of most humans!

As we can see, all it takes is for Fancy’s “song” to come on in order to get eh going. The song? Of course, it HAS to be I Will Always Love You! As it starts playing, Fancy looks back at her own with a face that says “Is this really happening?”

The instant reaction from Fancy shows us that she knows what she’s about!

As the song continues to play, Fancy sits on her pile of blankets and lifts her head up to sing along with the talented vocalist. Crazy enough, it isn’t that bad! Of course, the doggy-like harmonies are a bit “howly,” but you can’t fault the little dog!

It’s almost as if Fancy understands where the music is going.

Fancy has heard this song so many times that she knew exactly when the high notes were and how to get to them! From what it looks like, dogs may understand music more than we might think!
Do dogs have a musical sense?

“Scientific analyses suggest that canines have a sense of pitch. Recordings of wolves have shown that each will change its tone when others join the chorus. No wolf seems to want to end up on the same note as any other in the choir. This is why a dog howling along with a group of singing humans is instantaneously noticeable. He is deliberately not in the same register as the other voices, and seems to revel in the discordant sound he is making.” – Psychology Today
Make sure you check out the video below!
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