Cat sneaks up on two rats fighting and seems terribly confused by what he’s watching
The strange and hilarious boxing match through the cat for a loop. 😂
Jonathan Arrastia

The Year Of The Rat

The sport of boxing is one that has been popularized throughout the entire world since its early origins in Egypt in 4000 B.C. The allure of seeing contestants physically battle each other can attract masses of people to come and watch the gritty event. Each blow landed gathers the crowd’s attention and begins to let their “oohs!” and “ahs” soar in the air as the calamity ensues. There’s just something about the craftwork meshed with the brutality of it all that gets our heart pumping and adrenaline going. That is of course until you witness two rats duking it out while an unsuspecting cat grabs his symbolic popcorn and begins to watch.

Facebook-Cheez Goh
Facebook-Cheez Goh

Lets Get Ready To Rumbleeee!

A woman from Singapore, Cheez Goh, shared her encounter with the vile rodents and furry feline on Facebook one day. “We’re so used to seeing cats fighting. But have you ever seen rats fighting? A cat that never interrupts is a smart cat. Guess which rat did the cat chase after? The one that runs away from my direction or the one that comes towards my direction? Guess correctly, I’ll buy you coffee,” Goh said.

Facebook-Cheez Goh
Facebook-Cheez Goh

What Cheez got was more than she bargained for it seems. From the get-go, the rats were not going easy on each other. Both stood firm on their legs and began throwing their best strikes at each other. Can you say pay-per-view, or what? Besides the rare occasion of seeing two rats go at each other, who would’ve thought that these two would stand against each other like Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield.

“I was on my way home on the 8th of July around 10 pm and under my block, I saw those 2 rats running and chasing each other around trying to provoke one another, and they went separate ways while I wanted to film it,” Cheez told reporters. “Then it happened again and I quickly took a video of the process.” However, she didn’t see how it started. “They were already running around upon me reaching my block because I heard some sounds,” Cheez said.

Facebook-Cheez Goh
Facebook-Cheez Goh

A New Challenger Approaches

As Cheez continued taking video footage, the plot began to thicken. As she zooms out of her video, we notice an unsuspecting cat lurking by the side watching the entire thing unfold! Is the cat just waiting to for one of the contestants to drop before making his next choice for dinner? Or are the cats simply providing a smokescreen as a means to have them both escape unharmed? Nobody really knows what’s going on here, but we’ll soon find out after one of the fighters takes the metaphorical title belt.

Facebook-Cheez Goh
Facebook-Cheez Goh

“The two rats just gave up and went separate ways,” Cheez said to reporters. “One ran away from the camera; one came towards the camera where I was standing. It didn’t seem to notice I was filming the process and ran towards me. I freaked out as it was approaching me, causing a sudden movement. The rat then ran for its life and that’s when the cat saw that the rat was running and charged towards it. However, the cat missed because the rat went under the drain. The rat was really fast!”

Whatever the case, it sure has riled up many people on the internet. Many people made funny comments relating to the entire ordeal and we couldn’t help but laugh it off.

Facebook-Cheez Goh
Facebook-Cheez Goh

Cheez had no idea the video would ever turn up this viral. She said, “No, I didn’t expect my video to go viral. I thought it was a rare sight! And it was pretty amusing. So I shared!”

Given our current social distancing guidelines, this might be the future of boxing. Why put humans in danger when we can just watch some rats do it just as well! Don’t take my word for it, check out the video below!

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