Owner Asks Friend To Get Cat Groomed And The Result Is Hilariou
Jonathan Maes

Almost everyone has to deal with a ‘bad hair day’ once in a while, but it turns out cats can have pretty bad haircuts as well, or rather have a ‘bad fur day’. That was definitely the case with the somewhat grumpy-looking but otherwise adorable Persian cat named Jin Jin.

Xie Qian Qian
Xie Qian Qian

Jin Jin received a haircut from the groomer, but it’s not exactly what his boss Xie Qian Qian expected it to be. His owner regularly brings him to the groomer to keep his fur a little bit on the shorter side which helps him cool down in the warm climate and it also helps keeping the house cleaner with less hair.

Xie Qian Qian
Xie Qian Qian

Over the years, Jin Jin returned from the groomer with a fairly normal trim – but this visit definitely wasn’t for just a regular haircut.

Xie Qian Qian
Xie Qian Qian

His owner Xie was really busy and it was time for Jin Jin to trim his fur once again, so Xie simply asked a friend to drop her cat at the groomer and give him instructions. It appears that a small communication mishap happened in regards to Xie’s haircut wishes.

Instead of giving Jin Jin his normal trim, the groomer shaved off Jin Jin’s hair almost everywhere except for his face. The result is a hilarious look of Jin Jin which appears to have a cat mask of some sorts. His furry face definitely shocked Xie when she returned.

Xie Qian Qian
Xie Qian Qian
