Milwaukee bus drivers are known to be pretty heroic. This isn’t the first time one’s stopped to save the day.
Another particularly kindhearted Milwaukee bus driver recently made news by saving an animal’s life.
But not just any animal. Not a dog, nor a cat…
No, no, no – a skunk.
A skunk that was stuck in a cup. It sounds more like a Dr. Seuss story, honestly.

Have you ever seen a skunk in a cup? Yeah, me neither. But you’re about to.
Honestly, skunks are kinda cute, especially before they’ve released their smelly, skunky spray.
This is the heroic tale of a man rescuing a wild skunk… from a yogurt cup, specifically.

That’s right – a yogurt cup. At some point, the wild skunk’s head slipped into the cup.
Now, it won’t come off.
Fortunately, Pepper Bob, the hero of this story, saw the struggling skunk on a highway median.
Most would likely pass by without a second thought, but not Bob.

So who is Pepper Bob? Well, he’s just a normal Milwaukee bus driver.
And a hero.
Milwaukee bus drivers are awesome. Just last week I saw a video of one buying a homeless man food and then helping him settle into a shelter.

In an interview with Inside Edition, Bob explains the particularly strange, skunky day he just had.
“It was 4 in the morning, and I saw it with the container on its, head not sure what it was. So I pulled over my bus – I had just started my morning and went to try and help it.”
But how’s he going to remove the container? Is he going to do it with his bare hands? That’s brave.
Instead, Bob opts for a more sanitary solution.
In fact, his son had been bitten by a wild animal in the past, requiring rabies shots. There’s no need to go in unprepared.
After assessing the situation, he hops back onto the bus, conjuring a plan…
Coincidentally, one of his bus stops lies right next to a 24/7 Walgreens. But what’s he gonna get at Walgreens?

He ends up purchasing a grabber – those long poles with a grabbing mechanism at the end, often used by seniors.
Do they even have a technical name? I’ve heard both reacher and grabber.
On his next ride around, Bob opts to put his new tool to use.
But what will his passengers think?
Fortunately, there are many, many kindhearted people in the world and in Milwaukee!
Bob explains the situation to the one lone passenger, who has absolutely no problem with his heroism.

Bob finds the exact median from before. Fortunately, the skunk’s still there, hours later.
He parks the bus and carefully crosses the road, remembering to look both ways before proceeding.

He spots the skunk, who’s a little on edge for obvious reasons.
Bob does his best to grab the cup snugly with his reacher.
He remembers the skunk digging into the ground to help force the cup off.
Soon enough… success!
Pepper Bob walks away with the cup. The skunk scampers off, eager to return home.

Even the Inside Edition interviewer brings up Milwaukee bus drivers and their sterling contributions to society.
Honestly, Milwaukee as a whole probably doesn’t get enough attention. There’s some pretty cool stuff out there, like the Milwaukee Art Museum.

So why did he do it? Pepper Bob explains.
“I think it’s just, you know, the common feeling that the world just needs more love. And that we’re all human, we’re all connected – or animals… whichever.”
Turns out, he’s just a great guy.

Pepper Bob, a title he earned through his love of hot peppers and spicy food, even says his coworkers have come up with a new nickname in light of recent events: Skunk Bob.
Skunk Bob? I’m not sure that one’s going to stick around.
He definitely deserves a cool new title, though.
And I honestly feel for that skunk. Definitely don’t litter! Even small bits of trash can have a problematic effect on the environment.
So what’d you think of Pepper Bob’s skunk heroics? Would you have done the same?
Check out Bob’s incredibly heartwarming story in the video player below!
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