Baby bulldog that grew up in an incubator is a wild thing now
When she takes her first steps 😍
Jonathan Arrastia

After going through a cesarian section delivery, this little pup will need extra support with the use of an incubator. The little munchkin progressed from there…and the rest was history.

The journey to raising a young puppy is one that is riddled with many obstacles. The anxiety of always having to worry if you’re doing enough or providing sufficiently constantly looms over your head. Perfection is almost impossible to achieve in any role, but we do our best and give it our all when we can.

The journey of Quincy is one that resonates with those special folks who have experienced the overwhelming joy and satisfaction of raising a young pup. Her story began in an incubator used for regulating her temperature and keeping the vulnerable pup safe from environmental dangers. What the owners were not expecting is how exceedingly fast Quincy grew into her size!


The pup appeared very tranquil as she snuggled in her blanket with her eyes seemingly shut. Her mommy mentions that her little bulldog is healthy and sleeps well and even has a friend named “Jack the bag” to keep her company when she’s feeling lonely.


“It’s a very exciting Monday here for us! In the incubator, a lot of times what happens is they develop a little bit quicker, like, they’ll open their eyes a little sooner.”

And would you have guessed? The pup’s eyes popped open only after staying for a few days. You can tell the poor thing tried with all her might to get used to her new vision. Her eyes sparkled in curiosity and as she began to take the notion of the open-world around her.


On day 20, the bulldog was finally given a name. Her mommy decided to go with the name Quincy! Short, sweet, and cute enough to represent such an adorable little creature. She noticed Quincy’s behavior change a little bit inside the incubator. She now laid on her back whenever she could and treated the incubator like her own private sunbathing time.


At long last, it was time to encounter the open world. Brace yourself for incoming cuteness.

After close to 5 weeks, Quincy finally made her way out of the incubator and out into the real world. Judging by her exuberant energy, Quincy was ecstatic to finally be out of the incubator. She has made great friends with the dogs at home and is rapidly adjusting to her new setting.


The little bulldog even has a tactic where she will crouch quietly behind her doggo friends and try to frighten them as a means of playing around. “She’s probably one of the funniest dogs I’ve ever met.” Said Quincy’s human mom. “She was about 2.5 months old when she broke her leg and so she had to have a splint put on her leg.”


Surprisingly, Quincy had no issues with her cast and it definitely did not stop her from walking anywhere she pleased. After 30 days had passed, Quincy healed pretty much entirely. She was back to playing with her doggy friends in no time!


Before acquiring their new young pup, Quincy’s human parents used to have a bulldog that kept them company. There was so much hardship suffered on the loss of the family’s bulldog that it was tough to come back home.


Having a void still in her heart, it was tough for Quincy’s mom to move on from the loss. She had been crushed by the fact that her furry companion wouldn’t’ be there to receive her when she arrived home anymore.


Luckily, Quincy proved to be the right fit for the family. Her funny and heartwarming behavior has attracted many positive moments and has helped create special memories that have helped mend the loss. Quincy’s mom is extremely grateful for her little pit pup that adds “daily cuteness” to her life.

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