Stubborn husky stages protest over who gets the front seat
Finders keepers. 😉
Naomi Lai

Huskies are so majestic – they look almost identical to their wolf ancestors and have such strong features. Pugs or chihuahuas, on the other hand, have strayed pretty far from their genetic origin.

But don’t let their appearance fool you. Any husky owner will tell you that these marvelous canines are actually just big needy babies in disguise.

Zeus is one such pup who has earned a suitable nickname for himself. He is known on his social media channels as “Zeus the Stubborn Husky”.

His loving owners record all his shenanigans, like this video of him refusing to give up the front seat for his human.

It seems like his mama had been riding as a passenger and just hopped out of the car briefly to grab something. But when she got back, she found her seat had been stolen by a fluffy thief.

And if you thought it would be easy to get it back, think again. Not with stubborn Zeus here!

Those multi-colored eyes are mesmerizing, and I can see why it would be tempting to let him have whatever he wants all the time.

It’s hard to say no to such an adorable puppy face, but she must try.

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His mom opens the door and tells him to get in the back and he cries and whimpers like she’s being horribly unreasonable.

“Come on, get in the back.”

But every time she asks him to move, he starts crying even louder.

He pulls a debate tactic that many couples and politicians use on each other regularly – he starts cutting her off before she can even finish her sentence.

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I believe his howls can be loosely translated from dog to English as: “But I called shoooooot guuuuuuuuun!”

I don’t know, he’s making some pretty good points.

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I’ve never seen a more appropriate use for this meme format, but here we go: he protecc, he attacc, but more importantly, he won’t sit in the bacc.

The way he’s screaming, you’d think the back seat was flooded with hot lava. This pup is not backing down.

Huskies are known for being one of the most “talkative” dog breeds. And they do tend to be quite difficult to tame. Zeus’ little car temper-tantrum is case and point.

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I’m sure if this video was posted from Zeus’ perspective, it would be called “stubborn human refuses to ride in back seat.”

You can tell he thinks his mama is being totally unreasonable. The nerve!

When his shouting doesn’t seem to be working, he pretends to be asleep for a moment instead. That’ll trick her for sure!

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When that proves to be unsuccessful, it’s back to the yelling louder than mama strategy.

Maybe I’m going crazy… but does it sound like Zeus let’s out a little “ha ha” at the end when it seems like he’s going to keep his seat?

His mom hears it too. Such a cheeky guy!

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The video cuts off before a winner is declared so we may never know. But if anyone wants to take any bets, I’m putting my money down on Zeus as the champion.

But based on Zeus’ Instagram page, it looks like he does co-operate and sit in the back on some occasions.

And it’s really not so bad back there!

When Zeus just accepts his fate of sitting in the dog seat instead of the human seat, he can have a good time. It’s where his humans usually put him.

Watch the hilarious video below to hear Zeus “talking” and making his case for why he should get to ride in the front instead of his mom. He’s too cute!

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