Mother Nature can be quite cruel.
Animals are killed every day so that they can provide food for other animals. It is the circle of life. Still, it is not pleasant to watch an animal be eaten.
Often when humans are in nature, they characterize animals according to how likable they are. We find ourselves rooting for some animals to survive, which means that we hope their predators fail. If you’ve never found yourself rooting for an animal’s escape, you will by the end of this video.
This compilation of brave animals who narrowly escaped the clutches of their predators will have you at the edge of your seat the entire time. Some have more chance of survival and some less, but all the animals documented here have one thing in common: they managed to get away with their lives. Seeing nature at work is truly captivating.

The film begins with two lions slowly entering the water. They each cautiously step forward before carefully immersing themselves; these guys know that there is danger lurking not far from them. The camera pans over to a crocodile who is waiting for his fresh meal to arrive. We can’t help but hope that the lions escape.

When the crocodile makes his move, these two are well prepared. As he lowers himself down into the water, one of the lions releases a low growl. Now it’s fighting time. The lions jump out of the water, pushing themselves up from the sandy floor, and pounce. Once they have successfully forced the crocodile away, they lurch out of the water. These creatures can fight many beasts, but this is not one of them. As the lions walk away on the land, they are grateful to be alive.

Next we see another lion entering the water for a swim. The crocodile has been watching her, and he follows closely behind as she glides through the water. “Oh my God! No!” exclaims the woman who is recording the whole scene. The crocodile opens his mouth wide and prepares to take a bite out of the unsuspecting lion.

The two are taken underneath the surface, where they battle it out. The lion springs up and pounces down again, desperate for a chance at survival. Finally, she is able to scurry away. Another success for the lions.

In this next scene, the lions are the predators. They wander around in a pack, until they spot an antelope resting in the middle of a pond. Suddenly the creature senses danger and rushes to the end of the pool, but it is too late. He has been spotted.

Just as he makes his attempt to jump back onto land, a lion attacks him and drags him into the water. Many sounds and splashes follow as the antelope tries to escape with his life. The lion clings to his back, and more lions arrive at the scene. Still, this brave creature hasn’t given up hope. He shuffles around in the water, desperately trying to escape. At long last the animal breaks free, and the lion is forced to swim back to the pack.

Next we see a family of boar: four adults protect a large group of little babies. All seems well, until a crocodile crawls out of the vegetation. He lurches after one of the children, and an adult is quick to stand in the way. As the croc’s tail slips and slides, all of the adult boars band together to make their attack. They kick him with their feet and ram him with their heads.

Defeated, the crocodile lies still. The family scoots back, still not trusting the scene. When they finally know that it is safe, they saunter off to find a new spot.
The last scene takes place by still water. Two oxen sit inside the pond. Without warning, they spring into action. One is attacked by a crocodile, while the other leaves his friend to fend for himself. The animals fight behind the tall grass, where the other ox rejoins his ally. With the two of them on one team, their chances of winning are pretty high. At last they win, and the world is calm again.

When we think of animals in nature, we often classify them as predators or prey. But as this video shows, sometimes prey fights back. Getting a meal in the wild is never easy, and these animals really have to work for their food.
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