Bonded elderly dogs left at shelter desperately look for forever home
The dogs needed a place where they could spend their golden years.
Patricia Lynn

When you’re at an animal shelter, you’ll see dogs of all ages looking up at you, waiting for a chance to go home. Often, the younger dogs are the most energetic ones, the ones that garner the most attention.

Senior dogs very often get overlooked. And they’re the ones who need homes the most.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

At one particular shelter were two dogs, Bella and Snowball. They lived in the same house but for whatever reason, their owner turned them over to an animal shelter. While there, they shared a kennel and an unbreakable bond.

As mentioned, Bella and Snowball lived together for years so they had a unique closeness.

Bella, a gorgeous Golden Retriever is older than her white Chihuahua mix companion. When living with their owner, it didn’t take any time at all for Bella to become Snowball’s mother figure.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

There’s a reason Snowball is so timid…she’s blind.

So, working off instinct, Bella provided her with constant care. She helped this adorable pup navigate her way through what would otherwise be a scary world.

Now living in a shelter, there was little chance that either one of these dogs would get adopted, especially with Snowball having no sight.

But the odds of them being adopted into the same family were slim to none.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

They were in a high-kill shelter.

That means unless dogs get homes quickly, their names are added to the list to be euthanized. Soon after arriving, Bella began to look sad and defeated.

Interestingly, it was Snowball that would nudge her as if giving her some needed encouragement.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

Throughout the shelter, visitors could hear the younger dogs barking up a storm, hoping to capture someone’s attention. But that wasn’t the case for Bella and Snowball.

Instead, they sat quietly in their kennel, just waiting.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

Then someone noticed them.

On a particular day, a couple saw Bella and Snowball and wanted to know more about them. After hearing their story, it was a given.

They didn’t want just one of the dogs but both. These two would again have happy days.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

After filling out all the necessary paperwork and paying the fee for the dogs, the couple loaded them up in their car to head home.

What everyone thought was impossible had become a reality.

The day that Bella and Snowball were adopted could’ve very easily been their last one alive. But thanks to people with giving hearts, these pups will be loved and cared for.

The dogs were thrilled to have a new home but the couple was even more excited for their precious new family members.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

If you’re ever interested in adopting a dog, we encourage you to pay special attention to the seniors.

These pups have the lowest chance of getting a forever home yet they still have a lot of love to give.

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YouTube Screenshot/Rumble Viral

We’re so glad Bella and Snowbell found a place to go home. What a happy ending to their story.

Check out the dogs’ full story in the video below!

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Source: apost, YouTube
