Bikers give puppy dumped on roadside the forever home he deserves
Pablo and his wife saw a motorist toss a bag out of their vehicle. But it wasn't until they got closer that they realized there was a sweet little puppy inside.
Alissa Gaskell

There are a lot of benefits to spending time outdoors. Fresh air is always good for your mind, body, and soul, allowing you to take a breather from work and detach yourself from the online world.

You are also reminded of how beautiful life is through nature and opportunities to lend a hand as you allow yourself to take it all in.

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Pexels - Pixabay

Pablo Villamayor and his wife love the outdoors. They go on bike rides together and enjoy the sights and sounds around them.

But one afternoon of bike riding opened their eyes to something different.

They weren’t expecting to witness something that would change their world completely.

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Pexels - cottonbro

It was another typical bike ride for the couple when they saw a vehicle pull over on the side of the road. The person inside tossed a small bag into the bush before speeding away.

As they continued to bike along the quiet street, they passed by the bush where the bag was discarded.

It wasn’t just littering – it was complete irresponsibility and heartlessness of the person who left it because in the bag wasn’t trash – it was a dog.

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Pexels -

The couple went closer and saw the dog make its way out of the bag. It left the couple in disbelief when they realized what had just happened. Pablo told The Dodo,

“We realized it was a dog. He emerged from the bag and came running toward us, crying. We stopped.”

It wasn’t something to brush off, and the couple knew they were on that road for a reason – to save a life. They didn’t waste any time.

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Video Screenshot - Instagram - villamayor_pablo

Relieved that the puppy seemed in good health, Pablo and his wife decided right then and there to rescue the dog themselves instead of calling for help.

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Video Screenshot - Instagram - villamayor_pablo

He held the puppy in his arms and rode off. And that’s when the real adventure began.

Pablo shares,

“We decided to adopt him. We named him Lorenzo. He is now at home with us. He’s happy.”

Safe in the arms of people who genuinely love and care for him, the puppy was happier and healthier than ever, thriving in an environment filled with nothing but love. He told The Dodo:

“I felt sick seeing the cruelty of people. But we were lucky to have found him. Fate wanted Lorenzo to be here with us.”

They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, but it’s hard to imagine anyone seeing innocent animals as the former. But instead of dwelling on how cruel people can be, Pablo and his wife decided to counter that with a good deed that changed their lives and the puppy’s forever.

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Video Screenshot - Instagram - villamayor_pablo

If there are people who treat animals like objects that can be tossed out anytime, others do the complete opposite and extend kindness and compassion towards animals who don’t have voices to fight for themselves.

Watch the video below to see just how precious Lorenzo is!

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