The weather outside is getting chillier, the air crisp. And when that happens, everyone starts getting excited. We all start waiting for the main event of winter.
A good old snow day!

Everyone loves a good snow day, especially children and pets. There’s something about the snow that just makes dogs lose their minds.
And one of the reasons everyone loves the snow is sleigh riding.
Humans and dogs included!

But Ravi, a black Labrador, doesn’t even need a sled to go sleigh riding.
He rides solo. His family caught this “Ravi-style” of sledding on video. It shows Ravi’s family hysterical laughing as the dog happily hops around in the snow and rolls around in it.
Since the top layer of snow is frozen over, Ravi just sort of slides over it, and since he’s on an incline, he just slides for a while.

His family finds this to be a hoot and is in absolute hysterics over this.
“He’s like an otter,” someone says in the background off camera.”What the hell is he doing, flipping?”

They keep telling Ravi to do it again, and he happily obliges.
And we mean happily. The look on this dog’s face is one of pure joy.

“Slide down boy,” the kid says in the background while giggling in the cutest way. “Ravi, do it again!”
Ravi was having an absolute ball sliding around in the snow to the amusement of his family.
They kept asking him to do it from different angles, and Ravi goes to the very top of the hill to slide all the way down.

“Oh my, god he’s hysterical,” the man says.
Apparently, there are very specific reasons why dogs like Ravi love the snow.
“I find many dogs love winter because they become more energetic as the temperatures cool. Colder weather allows them to run and play more, without over-heating,” writes Katelyn Schutz, CPDT for Wisconsin Pet Care.

This love for snow can be breed specific for dogs that are heartier and can withstand the cold weather.
“Dogs love to investigate and manipulate their environment. For some dogs, snow is just another toy to play with,” she says. “Play behavior is common in social species like canines, and snow just provides a substrate for that merriment. Digging, pouncing in, chasing, and running in snow for a dog, is probably much like a child on a new gym set or playground.”
Whatever the reason is for our dogs loving the snow, it’s adorable and a joy to see them having so much fun.

Ravi is clearly having a blast in this video, and it’s so sweet to watch. As one viewer puts it:
“The dad and kid laughing in the background made this video so such funnier. Thanks, made my day.”
We have to agree — our day was definitely made as we watched this family have so much fun together.
Check out the video for yourself below!
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