Sometimes, you really just don’t know what life will throw at you. Even going on a simple bike trip can turn into a story that you can retell for a very long time.
Keith Ailey from a quiet city in Canada knows all about it.
The man loves surrounding himself with nature and often goes on a solo bike ride, but it turns out that Keith wasn’t exactly alone after all.
In the distance, the man suddenly noticed a rather dark figure on a path ahead and didn’t think much of it.
The man still recalls how it all went down.
“I noticed a black animal cross the road in front of me and pause on the opposite side,” he said in an interview with The Dodo. “I see a lot of wildlife on the edges of the city, but this was no black bear and it certainly was no dog.”
As the man approached this animal, he actually realized that it was a black ram who seemed very, very interested in him.
In fact, the ram would pretty much stop at nothing just to get closer to him.
“He also took notice of me,” Keith recalls. “As soon as I passed by, he turned and chased.”
Surprisingly enough, Keith actually tried his best to get rid of the chasing ram, but he was both quite fast as well as persistent!
“I stomped on the pedals and sped away, but when I slowed down I could see he was still following!” the cyclist added. “He made up ground quickly and was soon right behind me again. At that point I figured I had better dig out my phone and record this because nobody would believe me otherwise.”
“Little company on my ride today,” Keith can be heard saying in the video. “It’s a black sheep and he’s pretty quick too!”‘
Luckily, the chase would soon come to a stop, thanks to the (coincidental) efforts of a truck driver.
The truck actually pulled over for a while, so he could avoid the cyclist as well as the ram. The distraction proved good enough for the ram to lose focus. At least for a little while.
“At this point the ram finally took his gaze off me and turned toward the truck.”
Later, the cyclist actually got to meet the ram again.
He also learned that the animal was actually a pet! Ozzy was supposed to stay inside of a family farm, but seemingly escaped to go on his own adventure.
“I sent [Ozzy’s family] a message to make sure he made it home OK,” Ailey said. “A week later I visited [him] at his farm.”
Luckily, Ozzy was doing just fine after the road chase, and he seemed to find his way back home as well.
After their first sudden encounter, the two reunited at the farm!
Even though Ailey first thought this ram didn’t exactly have friendly intentions, Ozzy likely just wanted to get some attention from him.
“He does love humans,” Ailey said. “And that is likely why he was chasing me!”
Keith’s story went viral around the world and even made some newspaper headlines. This is definitely a unique ride that Ailey will never forget.
Be sure to check out a short video of the hilarious chase below!
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