After Wildfires Injure Bears’ Paws, Vets Try Innovative Healing Approach
These bears were helpless after they burned their paws ... so the vets had to try a new treatment.
Harper Gillis

The devastating wildfires in Southern California have wreaked havoc not only on human lives but also on the region’s wildlife.

While many animals try to flee the raging flames, not all are fortunate enough to escape in time.

The aftermath of these fires often reveals heartbreaking scenes of injured animals, struggling to survive.

Rsscuers came across two adult bears and a mountain lion, all of whom had suffered severe injuries.

The bears, one of which was pregnant, had third-degree burns on their paws, making it nearly impossible for them to walk or hunt.

Without prompt medical attention, their chances of survival in the wild were bleak.


Treating wild animals, especially those as large and potentially dangerous as bears and mountain lions, is no easy task.

The inherent distrust these creatures have towards humans makes medical intervention challenging.

To administer the initial treatment, veterinarians had to sedate the animals.

While this approach worked for the first round of care, the bandages on their burnt paws required frequent changes, which meant repeated sedation.

Jamie Peyton, the chief of the Integrative Medicine Service at the University of California’s vet school, highlighted the dilemma, stating, “You can only anesthetize them so many times. It’s hard on them. We can’t do that to them every day.”


Faced with this challenge, the veterinarians decided to innovate.

While the animals were under anesthesia for their bandage changes, the medical team introduced new treatments to expedite the healing process and minimize the number of sedations.

One particularly novel approach involved using fish skins as bandages.

These skins were stitched onto the animals’ paws and then wrapped in corn husks.


The use of fish skins as bandages offered multiple benefits.

Not only did they protect and promote healing of the burnt paws, but they also provided a soothing effect, alleviating some of the pain.

Another advantage was the safety aspect.

It’s not uncommon for animals to chew on their bandages, and traditional cloth bandages, if ingested, could lead to intestinal blockages.

However, fish skins and corn husks are natural and pose no such risks.

This proved beneficial, especially when the mountain lion tried to eat his bandages.


The results of this innovative treatment were promising.

Once the bandages were in place, the bears, upon waking from sedation, began to move around, showing interest in their environment and eating well.

The mountain lion, too, exhibited similar signs of improvement.

However, the road to recovery was long.

The bears took several weeks to adjust to their new bandages and to relearn how to use their injured paws for essential activities like hunting, walking, and climbing.


After a period of rehabilitation and once they were deemed fit, the bears were released back into their natural habitat.

The mountain lion’s story, however, took a different turn.

Being too young and deemed incapable of fending for himself in the wild, the decision was made to relocate him to a care facility in Northern California, where he would receive lifelong care.


The success of the fish skin treatment has piqued the interest of the medical community.

The veterinarians believe that this method warrants further research, not only for its potential benefits to other animals but also possibly for human burn victims.

In fact, similar treatments have already been employed in Brazil with positive outcomes.

The hope now is that all the animals treated will thrive in their respective environments.

The dedication and innovative thinking of the veterinarians have not only saved lives but also opened up new avenues in medical treatment for burn injuries.


The wildfires’ impact on wildlife underscores the intricate balance of nature and the profound effects human actions can have on the environment.

As we move forward, it’s essential to remember our responsibility towards all living beings and the planet we call home.

See them get special treatment in the video below!

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