Animal Rescue Organization Saves Terribly Injured Stray Dog
This sweet dog has made an amazing recovery with his rescuers' help.
Rachel Shapiro

One day, Animal Aid Unlimited received a tip about a badly injured street dog who had taken refuge in a stranger’s house. Rescuers at the India-based animal rescue organization rushed over to the house to tend to the dog. When they got there, they were shocked to see how bad the dog’s injury was—the wound covered his entire neck, and it was infected. Animal Aid Unlimited knew they had to get the dog help right away, or he wouldn’t survive.

The dog was nervous when the rescuers first approached him—he wasn’t used to human kindness.

One of the rescuers sat with him for a while, calming him down and showing him that they wanted to help him. The rescuer brought some crackers with him and fed the sweet dog. The pup gratefully ate the snack.

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Once the dog was calm, the rescuers carefully moved him into their truck. They brought him back to their rescue center, where they began cleaning his wound. Once it was cleaned, they bandaged it and gave the dog medicine. They decided to name the dog Jupiter.

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For weeks, workers at Animal Aid Unlimited treated Jupiter’s wound and gave him medicine. All their care paid off. Six weeks after Jupiter arrived at Animal Aid Unlimited, he looked like a whole new dog!

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Jupiter loves spending time with the other dogs at the center. He also likes playing with his rescuers—the sweet dog has tons of energy now, and he loves running around.

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If Animal Aid Unlimited hadn’t saved Jupiter, he probably would have stayed curled up in the corner of a stranger’s house until he died. Thankfully, the rescuers found him just in time, and he now has a wonderful home with them. If you’d like to help Animal Aid Unlimited save more dogs like Jupiter, consider donating to their organization. To learn more about Jupiter’s rescue, check out the video below!

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