Baby stoat meets another stoat for the very first time
This stoat had never met anyone like her since she was born. When she finally did, she had the most precious response to it.
Johndel Callora

Sometimes, all we want to know is that there is someone out there just like us. They may come in many forms, and they may be hard to find. But it’s always reassuring to know that we are not alone.

This baby animal had never seen another one like herself in her whole life.

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Robert Fuller, a wildlife artist, randomly found a baby stoat that was supposed to be with the rest of the litter. There were no signs of the mom or its siblings around, so perhaps this stoat was unfortunately abandoned. As the stoat was still too young to fend for herself, it would be impossible for her to survive alone in the wild. Fuller felt sorry for the baby stoat, so he willingly took the responsibility for taking care of her.

He fed, played, and gave her a comfortable seat while steadily growing.

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Fuller gave her the name Whisper. When he first took her in, Whisper couldn’t even stand still. Furthermore, Fuller had to feed her through a bottle every day which is difficult because of her tiny mouth.

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He even prepared a cozy and warm bed for her. Around seven weeks, the overly dependent stoat had already shown lots of improvement. In fact, Fuller had to transfer her to a bigger enclosure because she was already growing fast.

The only playmate she had was her rescuer.

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At Whisper’s age, she must have been eager to have a playmate. However, since Fuller was the only playmate she knew, she’d be happy if he would come to visit the enclosure to play with her. Fuller acted as Whisper’s mother and her playmate at the same time.

Whisper is already happy with the life she had, but it was the only life she knew. However, it seemed sad to keep it as is, and Fuller knew that he wanted to give her the happiness she really deserves.

Fuller had been trying his best to find another abandoned stoat for Whisper.

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Fuller spent some time contacting any other rescue organizations that might have found a lost stoat kit so he could get Whisper and the other stoat together. To his luck, someone from Norfolk contacted him to inform him about a lost stoat they found in the garden.

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He managed to negotiate with them and immediately went to get Stuart, a female stoat the same age as Whisper. They are certainly perfect for each other.

How Whisper reacts meeting her first stoat friend will melt your heart.

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Fuller gently placed a cloth bag inside Whisper’s enclosure with Stuart wrapped inside. Stuart was a bit shy but when she popped her head outside the cloth, Whisper suddenly shrieked with surprise and excitement.

It took a short time to get them to play together, and they immediately became close. Perhaps because they went through the same thing that they instantly became best friends.

They got a bigger place just for themselves.

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The happy stoats were then again moved to a much larger enclosure. Fuller knows that they are going to love it. It didn’t take a lot of time for them to adjust to their new place and treated it as their own home.

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However, the stoats’ journey didn’t end there.

Fuller has been preparingthem for the final step the whole time – to release them in the wild. The reason for those enclosures was to let them adapt to different places until they’d learn how to properly live in the wild.

The time came when Fuller had to say goodbye to them, but he is eager to look forward to meeting these two adorable stoats in the future.

Check out the sweet video of baby Whisper below!

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