There’s quite a lot of people who would tell you they like sloths, and there must have been plenty of reasons why they like it.
They must be captivated with its adorable face, were amazed at how sluggish it moves, or they just finished watching the famous 2016 animated Disney movie, Zootopia, and were amused by the exaggeration put into the featured sloth.

There are more reasons to like sloths.

Some people might have found bliss watching these sluggish tree-dwellers in TV animal documentaries. They may even tell you that they can relate to a sloth’s carefree and overly relaxed lifestyle. For those who got to see them up close, they are quite the lucky bunch.
One thing that most people don’t know about sloths is what they sound like.

It’s quite rare to see sloths, and even rarer to hear what they really sound like. However, if you manage to visit a sloth sanctuary, you will definitely hear them up close. Even if you don’t have the time, Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica was kind enough to share their adorable voices on the internet.

They have shown several baby sloths enjoying their time hanging on an outdoor climbing playground made for them.
They have the cutest squeaks that just pierces your heart with cupid’s arrow.

When the camera went near them, they would blurt out their cute “eeks” as if they’re trying to talk to you. Despite their slow movements, they seem to be quite loud. You can even hear different pitches from each, with the younger ones having the cutest squeaks.
Furthermore, they seem to love to be showered with attention, that they even try to reach the cameraman with their slender arms. One of the baby sloths almost fell after attempting to grab ahold of the camera, but its legs were strong enough to keep himself intact on the metal bars.
Plenty of sloth species are becoming endangered.

In 2019, the pygmy three-toed sloths are classified as critically endangered, and surely, more sloth species are becoming like them. Because of deforestation and habitat losses, these sloths have difficulty finding a new home.
Without trees, a lot of them would fall prey to some animals because of their sluggish movements.

Orphaned baby slots are in more terrible danger. If their parent suddenly became lost or fell in a tragic accident, there would be no one to teach them how to survive.
Unlike other creatures who learn by instincts, baby sloths are way too dependent that they can’t do anything by themselves. Luckily, there are a lot of rescue organizations that are willing to help them.

One of the biggest protectors of these adorable mammals is the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica.
This is the first organization that specializes in sloth rescue in Costa Rica. They started rescuing sloths in 1992 and then received support from the government of Costa Rica. They work together to research sloth behaviors and make use of the funds to provide them with the best facilities and care.
Today, they are one of the biggest sloth reserves in the whole world. With their unyielding efforts, let’s show our support and appreciation for saving the voices of these adorable mammals.
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