Is there anything cuter than a panda? The answer is yes: a baby panda! These cuddly creatures are just the cutest things ever. It’s hard not to love everything they do.

Pandas are constantly capturing our hearts with their adorable exploits, but you have never seen anything quite like this. This giant panda putting her little baby to sleep will melt your heart.
If you have ever been a new parent, you know that putting your little one to sleep is no easy task. Children often want to wander, and they will do anything to avoid nap time. As you’ll see from this video, baby pandas are no different.

They have an intense curiosity that compels them to do bizarre things, like clinging to the feet of their caretakers or roaming around areas they shouldn’t. Like other young ones, baby pandas are new to the world. They feel inclined to explore all it has to offer.

One panda’s headache became the source of the internet’s admiration. Her little one just DID NOT want to go to bed! Instead it got up, and with wide eyes it began to crawl across the facility that it was learning to call home. With one uncertain paw in front of the other, this adorable panda began to slowly and awkwardly crawl forward.

Despite obstacles like a sweeping broom and many doorways, the little panda kept to its course. It was looking for its mother, and nothing could stand in the way. This baby panda may not have known the layout of the land, but that wasn’t enough to stop it from setting out on an adventure.

Meanwhile, mother panda was busy munching away on some leaves. Every parent knows how crucial this alone time can be, especially when you have a clingy little one who is in constant need of attention. For some parents, nap time is their only chance at getting a moment to themselves. This panda was likely enjoying the peace and quiet.
It didn’t last long, however, as baby panda turned the corner and entered the room. Surprise! Were you expecting me? Judging by the way the adult panda continued her snacking, this was certainly not the case.

The little one entered through the doorway and looked around. By this time, the mother panda knew that her personal time was over. She must have done the panda equivalent of a sigh as she trekked over to regain control of her baby.
The adult walked right out of the room, but her baby wasn’t quick to follow. Instead, the little panda turned around and began to crawl further into the space.

The mother panda came up and gave her baby a little nudge. When this didn’t convince the young one turn turn around, the mama realized she would have to be a little more direct. She tried to turn the baby around with her paw, but that didn’t work either. Finally she resolved to drag her tiny panda using her teeth.
She grabbed hold of the baby’s neck and dragged it across the floor. The young panda was reluctant to follow, but after a few moments it became obvious that mama would get her way. The baby allowed itself to be pulled out of the room.

Even when they were outside the doorway, the mother panda had not won the war. She had to continually prod her baby to get going in the right direction. Yes, panda parenting can be as tricky as that of humans.
In the end, the baby won. Mama panda took her little one back into her room and embraced it with both arms. She tried to rock her child, even though it was still determined to explore. There’s no built-in break time for parenting.

Your heart will simply melt as you watch these two pandas cuddle together in the corner. There is nothing sweeter than watching two animals who love each other. No matter what kind of day you are having, seeing these little cuties will definitely cheer you up.
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