Baby Panda Wants Hug From Worker To Get Down From Tree
Ok, my heart is officially melted. This is so adorable. <3
Eduardo Gaskell

There can’t possibly be anyone who hates Pandas. That trademark black and white coat automatically means cute moments are guaranteed. It’s no wonder that Panda sanctuaries are huge tourist attractions. The aim may be to protect the species and make sure they are cared for but to people, they are just life sized teddy bears. Everyone wants one!


There are Panda sanctuaries in Sichuan province.

And in this Chinese province, they are loved, fed, and allowed to roam and roll around to their heart’s content. Pandas are considered to be China’s “National Treasure” and they go to great efforts in the conservation of the species. They are bred under strict supervision.


Imagine having this job.

This Panda is up on a tree enjoying his day as is typical of his kind. Slow, lazy, not caring about what else is going on out there when a man approaches him. The man is trying to get the panda down from the tree for TLC purposes. That’s his job, yes. For some reason though, the animal doesn’t want to go.

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Ask him nicely maybe he’ll climb down.

But not for this panda! The man tugs on the panda’s paw, his thigh, and tries to move the furry creature from the tree but to no avail. The panda rolls over while clutching on the branch, his backside facing the man who by now is trying to get the animal back on top.

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Right side up, please!

The black and white ball of cuteness climbs down a bit, facing the man while taking a swipe at his face. The man gives the panda a rub on the head. It’s beginning to look like a conversation is going on. No subtitles?

And suddenly it’s clear. He wants a hug. All that could have been avoided had the man offered a hug!

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A viewer named Victor says,

“This has gotta be the most rewarding job in the world.”


The man positions the panda on his shoulders, hoisting it up a bit before muscling the adorable thing. The panda lets the man carry him as he wants, resting his fat furry body on the breeder, his arms dangling over the man’s back. Silly thing.

“Unbelievable they are like children lmao”

Observed a viewer named Lilly.

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Typical panda behavior. Be cute and the world falls in love.

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And yes, people want jobs at these sanctuaries. It’s not about the money either. As adorable as they are, this is a serious job. The aim is to increase their population as infrastructure developments are continuously isolating these animals who aren’t exactly sociable to begin with.

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They are solitary and a female will give birth to a cub or two.

Do the math. It takes awhile for them to repopulate, hence these sanctuaries that focus on the breeding and conservation of these wonderful animals. With awareness comes education and these men and women who dedicate their lives to the survival of the panda can be considered heroes.


Though it is funny when you think about the fact that to get a panda to follow, you have to play with them and give them a hug first. A testament to the nonstop antics these endearing mammals are known for. You want one don’t you?

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See how this panda asks for a hug in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family

Source: YouTube, Unesco, WWF, National Geographic
