Most of our interactions with creatures as large as Belgian draft horses involve them being paraded around or used as service animals. So, it’s easy to forget that they are soulful creatures just like you and me.
Creatures with their own feelings and loved ones.
You can tell that the Belgian draft horse who gave birth to twin foals is deeply in love and proud of her little babies. The little baby horses are named Lisa and Fien and were captured on video playing with their momma just 4 days after they were born.
Apparently, it’s extremely rare for horses to have twins. About one in 10,000 horses have twins and even fewer survive birth, according to TODAY.

And it’s an even rarer occurrence for a Belgian draft horse to have twins than other horse breeds. So, Lisa and Fien are quite special in their own right. Belgian draft horses can grow to be about 68 inches and is one of the taller horse breeds.
They can way up to 2,000 pounds which is almost 1,00o pounds heavier than the average horse breed.
“It is extremely rare that both foals are healthy and at a normal weight,” said one YouTube commenter. “Normally one does and the other survives or dies. But this is an awesome rarity.”

According to PetBreeds, they live between 25 and 30 years. Belgium draft horses are considered to be the strongest of the horse breed and are known to be docile creatures.
Imagine having to carry one of those things around for months and months in your womb?!?
This poor mother horse had to carry two of them. Two of the heaviest breeds of horses were in her womb for 11 to 12 months. But this video proves that she is sure happy that she did.

The video shows the mother feeding her two little fowls milk. It’s so cute to see them run around on their super long legs with their tiny little bodies.
Their mother stands behind them, massive and towering over them.
“I love it when people put foals on meadows immediately, makes them so much more relaxed in the future,” one YouTuber said.
Even as a new born baby, the fowls are much larger than the little girl in the pink jacket playing with them. The fowl lets the little girl pet her and even tries to nestle against her. Watch their adorable interaction in the video below.
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