Baby Elephant Steals Hearts Discovering His Own Trunk
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Eduardo Gaskell

Elephants may be the largest land mammals on earth but once upon a time in their lives, they were funny little things. Baby elephants are ridiculously cute. There are countless videos of them out there. Here’s one guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

You know how little humans wobble and toddle when they’re finally trying to walk? Well this calf is no exception. Where toddlers would use their short arms to support themselves, this little ellie uses his trunk.

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First step milestone!

This was taken at the Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire, UK. The adorable calf is two weeks old and looks to be getting used to standing upright and moving on his own. That must be mama elephant behind him too.

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His hind legs are crossed, and he’s feeling his front right foot with that little trunk. The sensation of being on his own four legs must have been a lot of information to take all at once. But he’s doing it!

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He’s got so much support!

Mama is standing right there, watching her little one with pride do it all on his own. Zoo visitors are watching him too. They’ve got phones out to record this milestone but what the elephant doesn’t know is that they want to see him walk.

His hind legs are straight now but his front legs are still a good distance apart and they look pretty wobbly.


What’s a calf to do?

The little ellie is smart. He lowers his head and uses his trunk to support himself. He tries to take a step but instead of moving his front legs, his rear goes first! Not that way, little guy!

The calf wobbles a bit, back arched with his head down but he finally moves his front leg. He even uses his trunk to feel his right front leg as if incredulous that he actually did make a step.

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No worries, he’ll grow.

Elephants consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day. Wild elephants rarely sleep, instead preferring to roam great distances looking for food. This is one of the reasons they come into contact with humans. And humans can be evil.


These mammals are massive but really intelligent. The group is matriarchal. An older, wiser female leads the herd of many other females and their young. Males tend to roam on their own, even forming smaller groups with other males.

But this little one won’t have t worry about that. He’s safe in there with mom. All he needs to focus on is walking. For now.


Check out his adoring viewers,

“Looks like its having more trouble figuring out how to use its trunk. It seems totally amazed that it has a trunk.”

While Melanie says,

“To me, that baby elephant putting his trunk in his mouth for no reason look like a baby sucking his thumb… so cute!”

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Elephant trunks are awesome tools as a matter of fact.

Calves use them as a sort of pacifier, like how a human baby sucks its thumb. At birth, elephants weigh in around 200 pounds. Adults can go up to 7 tons. So imagine trying to help one stand and walk. This little one’s got it!


Watch this ellie calf wobble and toddle below!

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