Cranky baby elephant decides to pick a fight with a tourist’s vehicle
This funny baby elephant means business.
Randy Aragon

Usually, seeing a charging elephant is a terrifying sight to see. But what happens when that charging elephant is an adorable calf? When the one doing the charging is this precious, it turns into a viral sensation that melts people’s hearts.

This brings the cute radar to an all-time high!

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

When these tourists at the Mfuwe Lodge went on an elephant safari, they encountered a brave little calf who charged them and stole their hearts.

The Bushcamp Company’s Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia, East Africa, is home to many elephants, but none are quite as cute as the one in this video. Posted by the Mfuwe Lodge YouTube channel, the video shows that not all charging elephants are frightening.

Elephants charge as a way of protecting themselves and their families, and can you really blame them? As civilizations get bigger, and technology advances, elephants’ habitats are being threatened. This leads to approximately 500 human deaths per year. If you think that’s bad, compare that to the approximate 100 elephants killed every day by poachers.

The baby elephant in this video is just playing with its sibling when a tourist vehicle approaches its herd

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

You can see the curious creatures stare for a bit before they go about their business seemingly unphased by the vehicle approaching them. All but one of them that is…

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

The smallest out of the bunch seems to be the most intrigued by the people passing. It starts shaking its head back and forth before it turns to faces them.

That’s when the little calf attempts to charge the vehicle

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

Sprinting as fast as its tiny legs will take it, the calf charges toward the vehicle but it’s far from scary. You can hear the people who are taking the video laugh with joy at what the calf is doing.

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

Just when they thought it couldn’t get any better, the elephant does something that you rarely see the mammals do.

Once the calf realizes its charge isn’t scaring anyone, it stops and makes a little jump before charging again

The tourists laugh as the baby elephant jumps in the air, only getting its hind legs off of the ground by maybe an inch.

You have to give it credit though, for an elephant to actually jump is pretty impressive with all that weight they carry!

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

Their laughs seem to get the calf fired up, it charges them one last time before shaking his big ears and running to catch up with its herd. If they had run into that baby as an adult, I doubt there would have been any laughing involved.

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

We’re not surprised that the video of the baby elephant charging has been viewed over 3 million times!

This isn’t the only time a baby elephant has went viral for charging.

In another video, a calf charges Safari Live Streamer, Tim Silva, this time making it all the way up to the car.

The curious little fella charges right up to Silva’s vehicle, before stopping to see what a human is doing in his neck of the woods. This calf also went viral, gaining over 1 million views on YouTube.

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

There aren’t many things cuter than baby elephants, especially when they’re all riled up and ready to charge. Just don’t run into those calves when they’re older, with their incredible memories, they might remember you laughing at them.

YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge
YouTube - The Bushcamp Company / Mfuwe Lodge

To see this cute little calf try to show the humans who’s boss, be sure to scroll down for the video.

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