Baby deer with no family of its own approaches humans for help
They knew something had to be wrong for the fawn to approach them.
Michael Dabu

Spring is a bustling time for deer populations, with the birth of fawns adding a lively dynamic to the environment.

Mating season for deer extends from late October to early January, leading to the arrival of fawns in late May to early June.

These new additions to the wild are often hidden in dense vegetation by their mothers, who frequently return to feed them, ensuring their survival against potential predators.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

In May 2020, an unexpected encounter brought the beauty of this natural cycle into Dawn Rasmussen’s life.

Dawn’s husband stumbled upon a baby deer crying in their yard.

This tiny fawn, later named Thor, seemed to have lost his mother and, in a moment of trust or desperation, ran up to him and stood on his foot.


It was the start of an unusual and heartwarming journey.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

The couple acted swiftly, seeking help from a vet who confirmed their fears: Thor was abandoned, likely due to his mother’s untimely death.

Unfortunately, the vet’s facility was at capacity, leaving Dawn and her husband with a significant decision.


They chose to step in as Thor’s caretakers, but with a clear intent – Thor would be raised as a wild animal, not a pet.

They built a large outdoor enclosure, providing Thor with a safe yet natural environment.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

Dawn’s dedication to Thor’s well-being was unwavering.


For the first month and a half, she slept outside in a tent near Thor, ensuring his safety and comfort through those vulnerable early days.

Her commitment extended to feeding Thor goat’s milk every three hours from May until September, a demanding schedule that demonstrated her profound care for the fawn.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

Alongside the regular feedings, Dawn began teaching Thor essential survival skills.


She encouraged him to forage, slowly integrating him into the wild environment around their home.

By the time Thor was four months old, he was confidently exploring the surrounding woods but always returned for his regular milk feeds.

This blend of freedom and security helped Thor develop the instincts he needed to survive on his own.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

Thor’s attachment to Dawn became evident as he started responding to her calls and even waiting on their deck if she was late for his feeding.


This routine continued as Thor grew older, illustrating the deep bond formed between them.

Now, at two and a half years old, Thor has integrated into a local deer herd but still maintains his unique connection with Dawn.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

Thor’s semi-wild existence has brought some challenges.

He once returned home with a leg injury, relying on Dawn’s care and attention to recover fully.


This incident not only reinforced the trust between them but also highlighted Dawn’s unwavering commitment to Thor’s well-being, blending nurturing care with respect for his wild nature.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

Over time, Thor’s presence has had a profound impact on Dawn.

Caring for him has deepened her appreciation for the outdoors and heightened her environmental awareness.

She values every interaction with Thor, cherishing the special moments and the lessons they bring about inter-species connections and mutual respect.

YouTube - GeoBeats Animals
YouTube - GeoBeats Animals

Dawn’s journey with Thor stands as proof of the extraordinary bond that can form between humans and wildlife.

Despite the inherent challenges, she remains dedicated to supporting Thor’s wild instincts while nurturing their unique relationship.

Their story is a beautiful reminder of the profound impact of compassion and care, bridging the gap between human and animal worlds and fostering a deep sense of environmental stewardship.

Learn more about Dawn’s story in the video below.


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