Everyone who has an internet connection has surely heard about some of the crazy stories that come out of Florida.
From people drunkenly riding lawn mowers on the city streets, to someone being arrested for throwing slices of pizza at passersby as they drive around the city, Florida always has something crazy going on.

And this time, it’s not to do with a person, but with an animal.
An 11-foot alligator decided to break into a woman’s home at 3:30 in the morning and start hunting around for a drink.
The woman, Mary Wishhusen, awoke to the sounds of glass breaking and decided to investigate what the cause was.

It was as she rounded the corner to the kitchen that she saw the animal staring up at her.
Mary claims that the gator actually looked calm at the time, but she didn’t stick around to make sure.
She rushed back to her room and immediately called 911.

The 911 dispatcher sounded in disbelief when he asked for clarification that the gator was fully in the house, just hanging out in the kitchen.
A short time later the police arrived on the scene and they brought animal control with them.
It took a while to get the now angry animal tethered so they could begin to try and remove it from the house.

The gator thrashed around with its very strong tail and ended up denting the stainless steel refrigerator and putting multiple holes in the walls.
Finally though, the beast was removed and taken in by the animal rescue team.
They brought it back to their facility for a check-up and as soon as it cleared its health check, it would be taken to a protected gator farm.

Now it was time for Mary to go back in and assess the damage.
She found that the animal had made its entry by breaking through a low window and slithering inside.
Though there was some damage to the house, Mary is most upset that some of her good, expensive wine had been knocked over and broken.

It was the mating season for alligators though, so maybe this one was just looking for a little liquid courage before going on the hunt for a female.
Though Mary lives right near some water that she knew was home to a few gators, she never thought this would happen to her.
And the fact that the gator passed by multiple houses, all of which were empty, before making its way to her house is another thing that Mary finds hard to believe.

Mary, who seemed to take the whole encounter in stride, jokingly said this was just another chapter in her crazy life.
She also said that, to calm herself down before the police and animal control arrived, she just went back to her room and played some computer games.
“I was hyperventilating a little,” she told FOX 13, “so what I did was I went on the computer and played games to settle down.”

Check out the video below to see an unforgettable interview with the brave elderly woman!
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