Adorably grumpy Husky doesn’t want to be Santa’s reindeer
Though this Husky was nominated as one of Santa's reindeer, he clearly wasn't up for the job.
D.G. Sciortino

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer, and… Anuko? Not if Anuko has anything to do with it.

Though the Husky was nominated as one of Santa’s reindeer, he wasn’t up for the job.

It was actually his mom, Jasmine’s idea. But Anuko rejected that idea wholeheartedly.

You see, Anuko isn’t really a big fan of Christmas.

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It’s not that he’s a Grinch. It’s just that there are so many rules when Christmas time comes around.

And Anuko is just not here for it.

Though it’s hard to blame him. While everyone gets to enjoy all the festivities, Anuko doesn’t.

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“He’s not a fan of Christmas too much because of the food he’s not allowed to eat, and he gets yelled at if he goes too close to decorations,” Jasmine explains. “Christmas Day, he sulks in my room and doesn’t come out usually. Unless I buy him presents!”

There is, however, one thing that Anuko does love about this time of year.

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“Yet he’s absolutely loving the snow this year,” Yasmine said. “Even if he doesn’t look like it.”

Anuko is actually quite internet-famous for his looks.


He’s known for having a furious-looking face.

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“He’s well known for his grumpiness,” Jasmine said.

But add Christmas into that mix, and Anuko was ultra mad in the photos his mom recently took of him.


His mom tossed on a set of antlers and a scarf on his head and took some photos.

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He was NOT happy about that. But in Anuko’s defense, he can’t really help that his face looks that way.

“He has a dark black mask around his face that makes him look that way. It runs in his family,” Jasmine said.

Jasmine says that Anuko’s personality is “mostly chilled out.”

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“He’s not overbearing so doesn’t like cuddles that much, but if you leave the room he will follow. He’s like my little shadow and he intervenes when he sees necessary – something that’s benefited me a lot regarding my mental health,” Jasmine said.

Jasmine found Anuko when he was 5 weeks old.

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Jasmine suffered a lot during that time and found it challenging to get out of bed.

“Thank goodness he came into my life because without him, I’d probably still be in bed, or worse. He encouraged me to get out – the fresh air and so many hours outdoors with him did me a lot of good,” she said.

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Now she runs a website called Snowdog Guru where she helps other “snow dog” owners.


Snow dogs are thick fur breeds like the Samoyed, Alaskan Malamute, or Siberian Husky.

“They’re a unique breed and come with a lot of responsibility. Because of my expanding website though, I made the decision that I wanted to go to vet school, which I’m applying for this year. None of it would’ve happened without him [Anuko] coming into my life,” Jasmine said.

Anuko brings his mom joy, as well as joy to all his fans on the internet.

You can follow Anuko on Instagram @huskyanuko.

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