Adorable Jack Russell Goes Crazy With Excitement On Agility Course
Who cares about winning when you're having fun?
Emma Shallcross

For those who enter, Crufts is usually a competition that is taken very seriously. The different categories of rounds include Dog Showing, Flyball, Obedience, and arguably one of the more difficult, Agility.

A standard course plan includes tunnels, teeter trainers (see-saws, for you and me), hurdles and weave poles. In other words, this playground for our fluffy friends is probably a dream come true.

However, when dogs are taking part in an agility round, they have to be strictly professional. The course has to be followed in a certain route, and the judges’ award points for how well each object is executed.

For most dogs, it’s a chance to show off just how clever and obedient they are. However, for one little Jack Russell, it’s quite a different story.


Meet Olly, a rescue dog who found his forever home at ten weeks old. He is taking part in the course with mom Karen, but as Olly begins the course, all their practicing appears to go out of the window.

He races around like a little ball of energy and finds it very hard to listen to Karen.

We can’t say we blame him! The excitement of all the people and other doggy friends must be too much to handle.


Olly begins with a spectacular fall over the first hurdle. His little legs don’t quite reach over the pole and he knocks the whole thing off, landing flat on his face!

Luckily, Olly recovers quickly from this fall and is back on his feet and raring to go again.


Next, it’s time to tackle the A-Frame. This obstacle is not a problem for our little ball of energy. In fact, he leaps over the top of the frame with such force that his legs fly up behind him!

The crowd watches a little nervously from behind, but nothing can deter Olly.


Olly makes it down from the A-frame in one piece, and he’s not about to give up just yet. He’s having the time of his life!

We’re starting to think that it’s not just cats who have nine lives.


After the A-frame comes the tunnel. Olly could run through tunnels all day!

The little guy goes through the wrong way, but we’re not sure anyone’s actually judging anymore. It’s just such an enjoyment to watch Olly’s performance!


Another hurdle, and Olly flies over this one with ease. But oh no… where’s he going now?


Olly decides that it’s time for a rest. He can see lots of people staring at him, and he wants to hide. This corner looks like a nice cozy spot.


The pair decide to call it a day. Olly has had a very enjoyable time in his doggy playground, and Karen waves to the crowd as Olly leads the way out.

It might not have been a winning performance in the eyes of the judges, but Olly certainly won our hearts over.

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