See how abused pig forced to spend 10 years in a dark stall responds to love for the 1st time
No animal deserves what she went through.
Elijah Chan

Imagine living for ten years without love and in absolute darkness.

No one would ever stand that kind of trauma without breaking.

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YouTube Screenshot - GeoBeats Animals

Yet, there are some people who do these kinds of things to their animals. Todd from Arthur’s Acres Sanctuary shared a story with GeoBeats about a pig who underwent this treatment.

When she was rescued, Princess was in very bad shape.

Her fur was matted with a mix of dirt and anything else that got caught on her bristly coat.

Her teeth weren’t perfect either.

She was also blind, as a result of being kept in a dark room for ten years.

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YouTube Screenshot - GeoBeats Animals

Living through all of that, there was not much of a standard for Princess when it comes to actually living her best life.

It was just loneliness and darkness without anything to look forward to.

All of that changed when Todd brought her to the rescue farm.

But as an animal who knew only of abuse, she was averse and was terrified of Todd.

She was jumpy and alerted to any sound his movement made.

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YouTube Screenshot - GeoBeats Animals

Whenever Todd tried to approach, she’d run away or snarl at him in defense.

Todd didn’t give up, though.

Because for others to heal, they need constant support, a space to grow, and a lot of understanding.

Todd stayed in her pen regularly.

He’d bring a salad bowl of various vegetables or fruits whenever he visited.

Todd thinks these meals would’ve been Princess’s first time eating something so good.

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YouTube Screenshot - GeoBeats Animals

Eventually, Princess became a bit more comfortable.

Todd, however, continued to respect her space. He backs away if he feels like she doesn’t like something – being petted, touched, or fed.

His patience eventually paid off.

There came a time that got to boop Princess’ nose whenever she ate treats off his hand.

She also learned to build connections, thanks to her experience with Todd.

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YouTube Screenshot - GeoBeats Animals

She now loves to hang out with other pigs on the farm, and she also likes bathing out under the sun and lying on the grass.

A once terrified pig was now stuck to Todd like his shadow.

Wherever he goes, she goes too!

She trots close behind when Todd makes his rounds and stays where he stays to rest.

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YouTube Screenshot - GeoBeats Animals

From being afraid of physical contact to laying her head on his lap and asking for pets.


There are moments when she becomes sassy when she doesn’t get the promised treats.

Princess has indeed come a long way.

People all over the internet praised Todd’s efforts.

“This made me cry first with anger at how she’d been treated in the past, then with joy at how she has responded to love and care,” said one.


“This man is how humans are supposed to be. Thank you for existing and showing the rest of us what we can be at our greatest,” said another.

You can track what Todd and Princess are up to by checking their Arthur’s Acres Sanctuary on Instagram.

Click the video below to see how a pig who lived in darkness for ten responds to her first taste of love.

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