Dogs love their owners.
It is often so hard to watch when humans forget that a dog has feelings that aren’t being taken into consideration. Dogs often get the short straw and end up abandoned and unwanted. After one couple’s separation, they decided that they didn’t want a dog to deal with. That pitbull went from having someone to love to having no one.

Rags 2 Riches Animal Rescue was given custody of a 6-year-old pitbull.

A 6-year-old pitbull was unkindly given up after her owners decided to separate and get rid of their dog. The dog, Halo, is as kind as can be and now found herself in the animal rescue system. Staying in for almost a year, is it easy to lose hope for a dog, especially a breed that has such a poor and unfair reputation.
Halo got placed in a foster family and someone happened to see her in a social media post.
While Halo was staying at the foster family, Lieutenant Mickey Curran from the Upland Borough Police Department saw Halo on Facebook and knew there was a connection. Looking into the post, Lt. Curran knew what he needed to do!
Part of the reason that Lt. Curran had such a connection was because of the way that Halo looked.

Some dogs have a goofy and lovable look to them. Halo is one of those! Lt. Curran said:
“She had a snaggletooth and an underbite, and I said, ‘That’s the girl for us!’” Curran told The Philadelphia Inquirer. “I said ‘I know this is unorthodox but would you be OK with a police department rescuing a dog and with the dog living at the station?’”
Tish Mayo, the director of the animal rescue, heard the idea and loved it!

After Tish heard of the plan to have Halo live at the station, she loved it! Going all in, they wanted to make this special for the now-loved dog. Bringing Halo into the station, they had her officially sworn in as an Upland Police Officer! More than that, she is officially the first rescue K-9 in the department’s entire history.
What will Halo be doing now that she is an officer?

Well, part of her job is serving as a community officer at events and meetings. She is there to make people feel safe and welcome. As someone who loves pets and scratches, she is good at her job too!
After a year in the system, she finally found her home and her job.
Dogs need a home where people care about them as well as a job to do. It seems that this hits both of those criteria perfectly.
Halo has a whole station of people who would drop anything to give her pets while also having a job where she can make people feel comfortable and safe. Don’t you feel safer when there is a dog sitting next to you who you can pet?
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