Abandoned baby deer runs up to jogging woman and begs for ‘help’
This little guy needed someone to take a chance on him.
Jenny Brown

Nature can be harsh, especially for young animals that can’t fend for themselves.

This story revolves around a baby deer, abandoned and alone in the woods.

But fortune smiled upon this little one when he stumbled upon a compassionate woman who couldn’t ignore his plea for help.

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Amber Starr, from North Carolina, was out for a run in the woods when she encountered an unexpected companion.

A tiny fawn, crying out in distress, saw Amber and, driven by instinct, ran straight towards her.

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The fawn’s actions spoke volumes.

He was clearly missing his mother, and Amber was taken aback when the little deer tried to suckle on her foot.

No matter how much Amber tried to convey that she wasn’t his mother, the baby deer persisted. It seemed he had been alone for so long that hunger had taken over.

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After her run, Amber returned home, but the thought of the famished fawn haunted her. Night had fallen, yet she couldn’t rest or even catch a wink of sleep.

Concerned for the fawn’s well-being, she decided to return to the woods, this time with company, to check on the little one.

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Their fears were confirmed when they found the fawn still waiting, with no sign of his mother.

While it’s common for does to leave their young while they forage, the sight of this hungry, lonely fawn was too much for Amber to bear.

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Determined to help, Amber sought a way to feed the hungry fawn. Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic, she improvised.

Using a rubber glove filled with formula and a small hole in one of its fingers, she created a makeshift feeding solution.

The joy was palpable as Amber held the fawn close, watching him feed. They even made a cozy bed to lull the little one to sleep.

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Amber and her family reached out to wildlife rescuers about the fawn’s situation. At first, they received no response.

During this time, they grew fond of the fawn and named him Scout.

The experience of caring for Scout was heartwarming, but they knew he couldn’t stay with them forever.

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A few days later, help arrived. The Turner’s Deer Camp Fawn Rescue came to take Scout under their care.

Their plan was to nurture him until he was strong and independent enough to return to the wild.

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Thanks to Amber’s kindness and the dedication of the Fawn Rescue team, Scout has a fighting chance at a natural life in the wild.

Here’s hoping that one day, little Scout will joyfully prance back into his natural habitat. We’re sure that he’ll love getting back to the environment where he belongs.

Learn more about Scout and his story in the video below!

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