Man Rescues 45 Dogs And Sets Them Free On His Land
I don’t know if there’s ever been so much joy captured in just one video.
Kathleen Shipman

It’s heartbreaking to think about all the dogs in this world that are in need of a good home. Sadly, our shelters contain lots of animals that’ll never get to experience what one’s like – as some of them get overlooked due to their breed, age, health issues, or other reasons they can’t control.

Those who help rescue or care for these poor creatures are like angels on earth. Adopting a shelter dog is also a great way to help save a life too. But there’s one man from Canada who decided to do more than just that. He actually adopted dozens of dogs!


Mark Starmer and his family reside on a large property in British Columbia.

They’ve turned their home into a sanctuary for the 45 dogs they adopted. That’s right, 45. All of the animals are given an endless amount of love, care, and tons of room to run around. They even have four acres of fenced-in area for the pooches to play!

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Mark and his wife’s rescue organization is called “Some Dogs are Angels.”


The family is dedicated to rescuing dogs and providing them with the “forever home” they deserve. Besides bringing animals into their own loving household – they also help connect others with rescue dogs as well.


They’re sharing their story with the world.

On the Some Dogs are Angels website, the family gives a background of their interesting story and details about the organization’s mission, which involves rescuing “avatars” (aka angels). Mark also runs an Instagram page where he posts photos of their adorable pooches.

He explains:

“I am a dogaholic, the author of the ’Some Dogs Are Angels’ trilogy, ‘For Dog’s Sake’ & ‘Will the Real Leader Please Stand Up?’. These are ALL my dogs!”

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Mark captured amazing footage of their 45 dogs being set free into their four-acre yard.

Anyone who owns a dog knows how excited they can get when they’re being let outside. However, it’s very unusual to see dozens of them go through it at the same time! The video begins with all of their pets behind a gate that stands between the house and the enclosure.

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The couple’s son opens the gate and lets them go.

Suddenly, the swarm of dogs comes running into the yard looking joyful as can be. It’s almost as if they’re letting a bunch of school children out for recess! Tails are wagging, some are barking, and the looks on their faces warms your heart.

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There’s a variety of dogs and they all have a beautiful life with the Starmers.

Simply by watching the clip, it’s easy to see that they are healthy and well-cared for. According to the organization’s website, it takes more than a ton of dog food a month to keep them fed! In addition, the doggies appear happy, carefree, and loved.

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Mark films the dogs from another angle to show them roaming the large property.

Let’s just say it seems like they’re having a blast – and it’s hard to imagine that there would ever be a dull moment. Mark comments:

“They’re all running around wildly, exploring anything and everything.”

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Not everyone is able to do what Mark and his family are doing. However, any help is appreciated when it comes to homeless animals!

Watch the video below to see what it looks like when dozens of dogs are”set free” at one time.

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