What comes to mind when you think of bats? Scary? Creepy? Flying animals that sleep upside-down and turn into vampires? Rabies? The truth is, bats are super cool — and actually really cute.
Don’t believe it? Keep reading.
Sure, some bats have rabies (only 1%) and some of them do drink blood (only 3 species), but they really get a bad rap. They’re really quite lovable.
These 30 bats will change your mind about their species. In fact, they might become your new favorite animal!
Get ready for total cuteness to ensue.
1. These baby bats are straight up adorable. You can’t deny it.
2. Those sweet eyes are like a puppy’s.
3. Snuggling baby bats? Come on.
4. They love a good head rub.
5. How could you hate on this unique little guy?
6. Johnny Depp thinks they’re adorable.
7. Don’t judge that sweet face by their weird claws and rubbery wings.
8. Newborn bats are so teeny tiny.
9. Pretty sure that’s a mini pacifier.
10. It’s honestly like a little fox with wings.
11. Future fighters of the night.
12. They’re always up for a good cuddle.
13. They can be silly and playful too.
14. Just look how small that bottle is!
15. Those big brown eyes are pretty irresistable.
16. Beyond adorable.
17. Hi, little cutie pie.
18. A little bat burrito.
19. They just love to be wrapped up and swaddled.
20. They show affection to their loved ones.
21. Just hangin’ out being super cute.
22. Those little ear wiggles are out of control cute. .
23. This one is the size of his thumb!
24. They’re up to just hang out and chill. As long as they feel snuggled up, they’re happy!