12+ bat species that look way too strange to be considered bats
The one with the Bulldog face is crazy!
Rebecca Reid

If you think you know what a bat looks like…think again.

When we think of bats, most of us picture a standard black or brown bat like the kind that pops up in the yearly Halloween decor. You may be surprised to learn that there are over a thousand species of bats around the world and no two are alike. What is even more shocking is that some are so unusual it’s hard to tell if it’s a bat at all.

You can find bats all over the world except for a few isolated islands, the Arctic and Antarctic. With 1/3 of the bat population living in South and Central America, the island country of Indonesia is home to around 175 species. – WorldAtlas

They range from the cute and cuddly to the truly bizarre and unusual.

Here are 14 bats that we aren’t sure are actually bats.

1. The Buettikofer’s Epauletted Fruit Bat

Is this a dog or a bat? The Buettikofer’s Epauletted fruit bat is a species of megabats that can be found in Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. Who’s a good boy?

2. Mexican Funnel Eared Bat

This tiny bat looks like it could be a little stuffed animal or a tiny monkey. The beautiful color and small size make it one of the most adorable bats.

3. Hammerheaded Bat

YouTube screenshot - Talltanic
YouTube screenshot - Talltanic

The Hammerheaded bat is the largest bat native to Africa with a wingspan of 38 inches. Not your typical bat, these big guys are truly unique in appearance and make a loud honking noise to attract a mate.

4. Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat

YouTube screenshot - Talltanic
YouTube screenshot - Talltanic

Looking like a little gremlin, Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat stands out with its extra-large ears. The ears help it distinguish between ambient noise and the sound of predators or prey nearby.

5. The Honduran White Bat

YouTube screenshot - Talltanic
YouTube screenshot - Talltanic

These rare white bats are only one of six species to have fur that is entirely white. They are only 2 inches long and remind us of a baby bunny or bird more than a bat.

6. Philippine Tube Nosed Fruit Bat

YouTube screenshot - Talltanic
YouTube screenshot - Talltanic

This fella is unofficially known as the ‘Yoda Bat’ because of his resemblance to the Star Wars character, Yoda. It’s also known as the ‘Happy Bat.’ Either way…very cute I think he is.

7. Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox

The Philippines has human-sized bats called the Giant Golden Crowned Flying Fox. The species is native to the Philippines.
byu/zycon_ inDamnthatsinteresting

One of the largest bats in the world, the Golden-Crowned Flying Fox is nature at its most extraordinary. These megabats live on fruit and have a wingspan up to 5 feet 6 inches long and weigh up to 2.6 lbs. They are only found in the Philippines. –

8. Panda Bat

The Panda Bat is one of the rarest bats on Earth. At first glance, we may not think this is a bat at all. All we really see is an adorable baby panda.

9. Chapin’s Free-Tailed Bat

The male Chapin’s Free-tailed Bat has an elaborate Mohawk. During breeding season, the mohawk disperses a scent to attract females (photo: Merlin Tuttle)
byu/41Strange in41Strange

Chapin’s Free-Tailed Bat sports a mohawk to attract the female because he is simply that cool. However, underneath that tough exterior, he’s nothing but a big old softy.

10. Big-Eared Wooley Bat

The Big-Eared Wooley Bat looks like a character out of a Jim Henson film. They prey on insects, plants and small mammals.

12. Little White-Shouldered Bat

The Little White-Shouldered Bat (Ametrida centurio) is sexually dimorphic and was once thought to be two separate species as a result.
byu/remotectrl inAwwducational

The Little White-Shouldered Bat looks more like a mini gargoyle than a bat. This bat is small in size but probably makes up for it in personality.

12. Greater Bulldog Bat

Greater Bulldog Bat
byu/Pardusco inbatty

Although this animal does look similar to a bulldog…and possibly a Demogorgon, it is actually a bat. This unique bat is known for its large hind feet that help snatch prey from the surface of the water.

13. Rufous Horseshoe Bat

Bat’s ears and nostrils create lift during flight. In this Rufous Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus Rouxii) for example, a version with the facial features performed better in digital wind tunnel simulations than one without.
byu/Searth inBatFacts

Oh hello there! The Rufous Horseshoe Bat eats insects and reminds us of a tiny monkey hanging from a tree.

14. Wrinkle-Faced Bat

Last but certainly not least we arrive at the Wrinkle Faced Bat. The bat got its name because people thought it resembled a 100-year-old man. To be fair, those could just be laugh lines.

The male Wrinkle Faced Bat uses his gorgeous shriveled face to attract the female who doesn’t have any wrinkles at all. Age before beauty I guess.

Now watch this amazing video about the world’s most unusual bats below.

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