We’ve never thought of pigeons as anything more than fairly dull and ubiquitous creatures that leave a lot of poop behind.

But some people are really into these creatures – and they come in a variety of shapes and colors, partly because they may be one of the first domesticated birds. In fact, people have been breeding (and cross-breeding) them for hundreds of years. There are even show pigeons!

Believe it or not, the International Ornithological Congress (IOC) recognizes 344 species in the family Columbidae, which includes both pigeons and doves!

While many of us might continue to think of them as flying pests, they’re actually quite smart, have great homing instincts, and have even saved lives during wars by delivering messages.

They can also be really interesting to look at, as these 40 birds prove.

Scroll ahead for some unexpectedly cool pigeons.

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