Woman’s confused when wild deer lies down beside her, but then she realizes it needs help
Jenny Brown

In the heart of a bustling city, a remarkable encounter unfolded between a woman and a wild deer, a story that beautifully illustrates the unexpected connections that can form between humans and animals.

Liz Mitten Ryan, an author and animal communicator, was the central figure in this extraordinary tale.

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Pelorian Pages - YouTube

Living on a 320-acre property in British Columbia, which she calls the ‘Gateway 2 Ranch’, Liz has dedicated her life to caring for animals.

This sanctuary, shared with her husband and a variety of animals, is a place where nature and wildlife coexist in harmony.

One day, while Liz was out on the land, she noticed something unusual.

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Pelorian Pages - YouTube

A wild deer, which she later named ‘Ella’, was lingering close by.

This wasn’t a common sight, as wild deer typically keep their distance from humans.

But Ella was different. She seemed to be seeking Liz’s attention, displaying a level of trust that was both rare and heartwarming.

As Liz approached, she realized that Ella was in distress.

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Pelorian Pages - YouTube

The deer lay down, a clear sign she needed help. Liz, understanding the gravity of the situation, knew she had to act.

She reached out to a local wildlife rescue organization for guidance.

They advised her to check if Ella was injured or ill.

Liz’s experience with animals allowed her to carefully examine Ella without causing further stress.

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Pelorian Pages - YouTube

Miraculously, she found no injuries.

It seemed Ella was simply exhausted, perhaps from being chased by a predator or getting lost from her herd.

Liz decided the best course of action was to let Ella rest and recover in peace.

The next morning, Liz returned to check on Ella.

To her delight, the deer was standing up, looking much more energetic.

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Liz knew this was a positive sign. Ella, however, wasn’t ready to leave just yet.

She stayed close to Liz, following her around like a loyal companion.

This unusual behavior continued for a few days, with Ella showing no desire to return to the wild.

During this time, Liz and Ella formed a unique bond.

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Pelorian Pages - YouTube

Liz shared, “She would follow me around the property, staying close by my side as I did my chores.”

This extraordinary relationship was a testament to the trust and understanding that had developed between them.

Eventually, the time came for Ella to return to her natural habitat.

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Pelorian Pages - YouTube

Liz watched as the deer confidently walked back into the wilderness, a bittersweet moment for both.

Liz reflected on the experience, saying:

“It was an honor to help her and a blessing to be trusted by such a beautiful wild creature.”

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Pelorian Pages - YouTube

This heartwarming story of Liz and Ella serves as a reminder of the profound connections that can exist between humans and wildlife.

It shows that, sometimes, even the wildest of creatures can seek comfort and refuge in our presence, bridging the gap between two very different worlds

Watch Marlis care for Eva in the video below.

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