That is a beautiful horse. And he knows it.
His name is Apollo. And just like the Greek god of the sun, light, music, poetry, and many others, this horse’s presence is enough to stop mortals in their tracks. His stunning black coat is a head turner and the way he walks, the horse knows he’s got it all.
Kneel, humans!
Apollo gets to have a little stroll around the village by his owner, Carol Whitaker. It’s only fitting that a horse this beautiful is owned by a beautiful woman. She is an author and a motivational coach as well as a lifestyle and fitness mentor.
This lady knows her stuff. And she has great taste in animals.
Apollo is a Friesian. The breed originates from the province of Friesland in the Netherlands. The look says it all. They were once medieval war horses with the occasional work put in. Handsome too!
The luxurious mane, tail and forelock compliment the high head, strong neck and powerful legs. Imagine when knights rode up to villages on these horses. The ladies must have been swooning!
Apollo’s got fans in the comments section too.
“You can tell when a horse knows he’s beautiful.”
Says one. While another said,
“I swear that horse just has the mood of, “Yes I’m beautiful. Yes everyone look at me. I am so beautiful.”
He’s not named after a Greek god for nothing!
And Carol knows it. She walks with a proud stride, looking around and smiling at the camera and the kids as she leads her horse. Apollo’s hooves making that “clop-clop-clop” sound on the pavement. That’s music right there.
Carol is an avid equestrian. When not working and motivating people to be the best they can be, she spends time with her family, working out, and reading. She’s a positive force with a positive outlook in life and it shows.
Exude optimism. Like Apollo! Be bold. Be beautiful. And flaunt it. Okay maybe go easy on the flaunting part. Only a horse like Apollo can get away with that.
Carol even scolds Apollo for being “so hyper” when the horse tried to prance a bit. Apollo responds with a loud neigh that sounds like him arguing that his gorgeous looks are running wild. Okay, Apollo, go do a commercial or something!
That’s him parading himself around town, showing everybody that he is a stud. It’s a good thing his human mom is there to control him. Who knows what kind of shenanigans Apollo could get himself into? With looks like that, it’s inevitable.
No horsing around.
Everything about this video is perfect. The picturesque town with its brick style houses, the mountains in the background, kids on their bikes, then you have Apollo and Carol who are both head turners.
Carol’s got lots of videos on her channel.
Everything from her job to her horses are on her feed. Go ahead and subscribe if you want more of Apollo. She even shares her ways of caring for the horse.
Can’t blame you for wanting a Friesian of your own. Apollo would be perfect for medieval and fantasy types of films. Look at him! He’s always ready for his close up!
Check out Apollo’s handsome stroll around the village in the video below!
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