Woman slaps a police horse and quickly gets a dose of karma
Some people really aren't that bright. 🤦
Madison Maxwell

Inappropriate pranks went wrong just minutes apart, ending in multiple legal charges and some hard-earned lessons.

YouTube - Blazed
YouTube - Blazed

Violent pranks gone wrong.

Pexels - Samuel Sweet
Pexels - Samuel Sweet

In the video, we see a young girl wearing a Queen’s University sweater run up to a police horse during a homecoming event in Kingston, Ontario, and slap it on the behind.

The girl felt remorse (literally) when she ends up getting kicked by the horse.

What seems to not be a coincidence is that this stunt happened 2 other times by two other assailants: 2 men slapped the horse earlier (one at 2:55pm and the other at 3pm).

The young girl then slapped the horse around 3:30pm.

Pexels - Jean van der Meulen
Pexels - Jean van der Meulen

Charges for the senseless actions.

Pexels - Kindel Media
Pexels - Kindel Media

From what is understood about the situation, the young woman was released at the scene (to be charged later) but the two men that slapped the horse before the woman were arrested and charged with causing injury to a law enforcement animal.

In Canada, if convicted for these charges it could lead up to a maximum fine of $10k, up to 18 months in prison, or both combined

. These charges were later altered to mischief and obstruction of police by interfering with a lawful execution of their duty.

These changes were made after an investigation and it was determined that the horse was not harmed.

If found guilty, the 3 assailants could still be subject to fines, probation, and jail time.

Pexels - Lukasz Radziejewski
Pexels - Lukasz Radziejewski

Was there a reason behind these pranks?

Pexels - Ann H
Pexels - Ann H

It was never made clear whether the 3 incidents were related or if they were separate, although it is hard to imagine that they had nothing do with each other.

With no motive, it is unsure what was trying to be accomplished.

The police officer, Koopman, on duty said, “We’re not sure where the lack of common sense is. You should never come up and strike any animal, especially a police trained one that has a rider on top of it.” – The Queens Journal

Murney, the new police horse.

CTV News
CTV News

Sadly, Murney was a new member of the police force.

Easy to say, she had a rough start.

Thankfully, as explained by Koopman, they pair experienced riders with less experienced horses.

This is done to help control any situation that might come up, and in this case, this decision worked out well in their favor.

Although Murney was the subject to violence, when defending herself by kicking the girl who slapped her, no major injuries were found for either party.

Easy lessons learned from these actions.

Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio
Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio

The easiest and most obvious lesson learned is to not cause any harm to a police animal or you might end up in physical harm along with copping a few criminal charges.

The 3 involved in this incident were lucky that they did not actually injure the horse or they’d be dealing with much heavier consequences.

On a general note, every living being should be treated with kindness.

Although these 3 assailants had to learn the hard way, we hope that they did in fact learn their lesson.

See the woman receive an instant dose of karma in the video below.

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