Woman finds three giant Cane Corsos abandoned on mountain and vows to earn their trust
The pups needed someone to take a chance on them.
Patricia Lynn

Some kindhearted people will go out of their way to help an animal in need — even if it’s difficult. One kind woman is the perfect example of this.

She found three dogs while on a hike on a mountain and vowed to help them.

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Fate has led this woman to find these animals.

A woman was hiking with her dog in the Angeles National Forest – a mountain forest in California – when she found three black figures lurking in the woods. The woman heard barks coming from the woods.

So, she decided to go down into the cliff, and when she got to have a closer look, she found three black dogs around the area.

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It was clear that no one was taking care of them since they were so malnourished that their ribs were showing.

At that moment, the woman knew that she had to save them but the problem was how.

These dogs have been living in the mountain forest for almost forever.

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These Cane Corsos were abandoned by their owners and no one knew exactly how long they had been living there.

Considering the length of time they were living in the forest, trying to fend for themselves, they had lost their trust in humans.

A lot of people had come and tried to rescue them, but no one prevailed. The dogs would bark the humans away if they tried to approach them. However, this woman believed that rescuing them was not impossible.

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She tried to get Animal Control to help her but it simply did not work.

As she felt sorry for the dogs, she made it her responsibility to get them out of the mountain and give them a chance to live a better home.

The woman began her mission to gain their trust.

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She would leave a bowl of food at a certain area where she waits whether the dogs would come and get it. She knew that if she was in the dogs’ line of sight, they would never come out.

Instead, she set up a camera so she could track their activities day or night.

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The woman continued doing this routine until she was able to stay at least a few meters away from them.

She was very careful not to make any sudden movements so as to not scare them away. Days went by, and the dogs were slowly getting used to her presence.

Even though they still act cautiously around her, you could see that there are improvements.

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This went on for a month until she finally got to touch the dog with her own hands.

One day, she tried to put the food on top of her palm. To her surprise, the dogs calmly collected the food with their mouth without even trying to run away.

She was so touched that she just cried with happiness. She named the dogs Grace, Steve, and George.

When the woman thought they were ready to be rescued, she immediately asked for help from several rescue organizations.

Six organizations willingly participated in this rescue mission, and with proper planning and execution, they were able to catch all three dogs safe and sound.

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The dogs went to a rescue for rehabilitation, and all three went to live with the same trainer, Cheri Wulff Lucas, to help them learn to trust humans again. These pups are doing so much better now, and we’re so happy for them.

Check out a video about the dogs’ rescue below!

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