Woman forced to give up adopted lions dissolves into tears reuniting with them 7 yrs later
This heartwarming reunion has melted over 50,000 hearts.
Harper Gillis

Imagine the joy of a child seeing their parent after a long separation.

Now, magnify that emotion, and you’ll get a glimpse of the heartwarming reunion between two lions, Malkia and Adelle, and their human caregiver, Michaela Zimanova.

While Michaela is not their biological mother, their bond is undeniable.


Michaela is often called the lions’ “godmother,” a title she wears with pride.

She played an instrumental role in raising the two cubs after they faced rejection from their biological mother.

This nurturing relationship has led Michaela to fondly call Malkia and Adelle her “darlings.”


The backstory of these lions is both intriguing and heart-wrenching.

Their parents were performers in circuses throughout Eastern Europe.

However, fate had a different plan for Malkia and Adelle.

They were fortunate to be rescued by a Big Cat Rescue organization in Slovakia.

This intervention ensured that their lives took a turn for the better, offering them a life of comfort and leisure.


As the cubs grew, they formed deep bonds with a few humans who stepped into parental roles.

Michaela was one such individual.

Her dedication to these lions is evident in her frequent visits to Malkia Park in Slovakia.

She’s among the select few who have the privilege of getting up close and personal with these magnificent creatures.


The sheer joy and excitement displayed by Malkia and Adelle upon seeing Michaela is a sight to behold.

It’s reminiscent of the giddy happiness children exhibit when they spot their mother after a brief separation.

Contrary to some media reports that claimed Michaela hadn’t seen the lions for seven years, the truth is that their separations are much shorter.

Yet, the intensity of their reunions would make one believe they’d been apart for ages.


A spokesperson for Malkia Park clarified, “That’s not the case, Michaela comes to see them sometimes three times a month.

We never play with them as they are dangerous animals, we respect their mood, and only cuddle when they want.

It always takes only those few minutes what you see on the video, sometimes less.”


The term “cuddle” might sound endearing, but when it comes to lions, it’s a whole different ball game.

A video captured the heartwarming yet adrenaline-pumping moment when Michaela greeted her lion buddies.

The sight of two massive lions rushing towards her, jumping up, and embracing her with their powerful paws is both awe-inspiring and slightly terrifying.


The lions proceed to shower Michaela with licks from their razor-sharp tongues and even playfully gnaw at her.

Their restraint and gentleness are evident, ensuring they don’t harm their beloved friend.

Amidst Michaela’s squeals of delight, one can occasionally hear a soft “ow,” a testament to the lions’ overwhelming affection.


The park spokesperson added a note of caution, “At the age of four, Malkia is a little bit different, she is more wild, so we need to be more aware.”

Regardless of the challenges, the bond between Michaela and the lions remains unbreakable, a testament to the profound connections that can form between humans and animals.

Watch their very unique friendship in the video below!

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