Woman reunites with little dog who’s been missing for year and can’t contain joy
They thought she was a stray dog but her microchip said otherwise. And now, she's reunited with her family.
Jaclyn Abergas

Microchipping saves lives. Or at least it helps find missing dogs and cats.

And it helped this homeless dog who was found living near a cemetery in Texas and taken in by a local animal clinic.

Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven
Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven

Local residents discovered this little dog living near a cemetery.

They couldn’t get enough information about the dog because every time anyone got close to her, they were met with a growl. This didn’t stop the local residents from taking care of the dog.

They brought food, water, and even bedding.

Pexels - Mike B
Pexels - Mike B

But it was always from a distance.

They were still worried, though, because without anyone watching the dog, it could get in trouble. The dog might get injured or get into fatal trouble.

A woman taking care of the dog from a distance decided to get in touch with a local animal shelter, Nicholas Pet Haven, for help.

Pexels - Skyler Ewing
Pexels - Skyler Ewing

When the rescuers arrived at the spot the dog was seen, they discovered there was another person helping her.


Dr. Harshivinderjit S. Bains, who owned a clinic nearby, was also providing the dog with food, water, bedding, and even some temporary shelter.

It was the same case with him. Despite all the help, the dog still would not let the doctor near.

Pexels - Bruna Gabrielle Felix
Pexels - Bruna Gabrielle Felix

Dr. Bains did not give up though. He continued to help the dog. And once the dog has fully trusted him, he was going to take it and give him a home.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t working with Dr. Bains.

The dog needed shelter now and he knew the rescuers were the dog’s best options for the fall and winter seasons.

Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven
Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven

Nicholas Pet Haven’s rescuers didn’t waste any time.

They set up a trap to lure the dog and rescue it safely, which they did later that night. Now, they were able to take the dog to the shelter and take care of its matted hairs and burrs all over its body.

And the best part of capturing the dog?


The shelter found out the dog was microchipped and her name is Truvy. They called the number on the microchip and the person who answered jumped for joy. They finally found their Truvy!

Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven
Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven

Amy Logan, the person who answered the call, said that they had moved to Texas a year ago, 13 months ago, to be exact.

That was also around the time they lost Truvy. Truvy squeezed herself through the iron fence and ran off.


“[When Truvy went missing,] we immediately canvassed the neighborhood, on foot and in cars,” Amy shared. “For the next few months, I drove, searching for her. I also emailed all the vet clinics, shelters, and rescue groups within 60 miles in case she was picked up by someone that wasn’t local.”

They began to lose hope when they couldn’t find her. They updated Truvy’s microchip but months passed by with no news.

Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven
Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven

That’s why when they got the call from the shelter, they were ecstatic. It was a miracle!


Amy and her husband rushed to the shelter with Truvy’s canine sister. Truvy was inside one of the rooms and when the door was opened, she rushed towards the door.

Amy, her husband, and their other dog were all on the other side. Truvy hesitated before coming closer, though.

Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven
Facebook - Nicholas Pet Haven

Amy bent down and said hi but Truvy was still unsure. It wasn’t until Amy entered the room that Truvy knew she was her human mom.

Truvy found her way back to her family because she had a microchip.


Watch the whole reunion in the video below.

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