Doggy translator apps aren’t known for being the most reliable – but they’re brilliant for having a bit of fun. So when we came across a video on YouTube titled “A Phone App Translates My Husky Speaking! Testing Dog Translators!” we already knew it was going to be brilliant!
K’eyush The Stunt Dog was the channel behind this video. K’eyush is a super adorable husky who has over 1.85 million subscribers, making him somewhat of an online celebrity! The video has over 11.2 million views from people all over the world, so it’s safe to say that it’s going to be a good one.

In the comments section, K’eyush’s owner explains that she used two apps for this video, both simply called Dog Translator, from the Apple app store.
If you want to find out what your dog is actually saying to you on a daily basis, then these apps could be perfect for you.
The first app that K’eyush’s owner used played lots of different dog sounds to K’eyush. His owner then had to gauge from the sweet pup’s reaction just exactly what the sounds meant to him. Only two sounds were played, but K’eyush didn’t seem to be best pleased with them. Here are his responses below:
- Heckin’ rude, will not repeat.
- Hurry up, want dinner.

K’eyush’s owner then tries a different app, and this one is a lot more exciting. Apparently, to use this app, you have to record your dog speaking, and then the app will translate what it is that your dog has said. Sounds simple enough, but how do you get your dog to speak on command?
K’eyush’s owner doesn’t seem to have a problem with this. The Good Boy is co-operative the whole time, and every time his owner hits the record button, he obediently begins to speak!

The first translation is a little high pitched howl from K’eyush, and the app tells us that he is saying, “play with me.” In all honesty, there’s probably never a time that a dog doesn’t want to play – so either this app made an educated guess, or maybe it is indeed correct.
K’eyush’s next howl is a little lower pitched, as if he feels fed up. The app interprets this as “I am hungry,” and honestly, we think they might be onto something here! Maybe K’eyush’s hunger is the reason why he’s starting to feel fed up?
“That’s pretty accurate,” K’eyush’s owner says as she reads the translation. “That’s Key 99 percent of the time, isn’t it?”
To calm his hunger, K’eyush is fed a tasty treat, before it’s time to get back into the translating.

K’eyush’s owner is pretty skeptical at this point, and says, “I have a feeling this only has a limited number of responses.” She’s probably right, there!
The sweet dog’s next few translations include, “I want to go out for a walk,” and “Play with me,” once again.

The app also has an option for you to speak into the mic and get your own voice translated into doggy language – so of course K’eyush’s owner had to try it out. She asks her pooch, “Are you hungry?” and “Are you happy?” to which he always replies with enthusiasm. We’ll take that as a yes.
There’s a section on the app with all different dog barks, and this seems to drive K’eyush crazy! He can hear the different dogs and he wants to play with them – but he can’t find them anywhere! What is this sorcery?

While these apps may not be the most accurate, they’re downright entertaining. To watch K’eyush in action, scroll down to watch the hilarious video below.
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