If you haven’t heard of the ‘Invisible Challenge’ – you’ve seriously been missing out on some good internet humor.
In this social media challenge, plastic wrap is stretched across a doorway and animals are encouraged to walk through it. But, of course – they are thoroughly weirded out.
The Invisible Challenge was first invented by a dog owner and is very popular in the canine world. Most of the time, dogs do funny and clumsy things to get through the plastic wrap and are anything but gracious. It’s quite funny to witness!
However, one woman decided that she wanted to try the challenge out on her tiny, adorable kittens. And you guys – it’s AMAZING.
The ‘Cats vs Invisible Wall’ challenge has been viewed nearly 29 million times since it was uploaded.

The video starts with the camera centered on the doorway. Over the doorway, you can see that the plastic wrap has been stretched tightly across it. On the other side of the plastic wrap are seven furry and precious kitty cats staring right back at the camera.
Slowly, they approach the doorway, in a very nonchalant way, of course. They soon all get settled and have their eyes on the woman behind the camera. Then – out comes the distraction!
The woman filming grabs the cats’ attention with a toy or a treat and starts circling it in the air – all seven of their heads follow in unison.

They seem to have no care in the world that they’re being blocked by the plastic wrap that is spanning the doorway. They’re far more curious as to what the woman has in her hand.
A few moments later, one of the puffy white cats decides that it is going to start investigating this strange see-through material and takes a paw at it. Finally, with a little bit of force, it’s little paw comes through.
After realizing that it wasn’t hard to get past the plastic wrap at all, the white cat simply hops on out!

The other cats watch on in the background, taking note of what they’ve just witnessed but the woman tries to recapture their attention once more with the toy – it works! It isn’t long until the cats are captivated by the whirling toy in the air.
Then, the woman tosses the toy toward the cats trying to provoke them to come through the wrap. Another kitty decides he’s going to go for it and takes his attempt and running through the wrap.
Sadly, for the next cat, he didn’t have as much luck getting through and his reaction is absolutely priceless.

The next attempt at throwing the toy gets the attention of yet another one of the cats and in typical cat fashion, it doesn’t give it all that much effort to break through the wrap. Just a simple paw out to try and swat it. However, once the camera zooms in, you can see the cat do the hilarious “kitty chatter” that they do when they’re excited.
The fun continues as the woman breaks out more toys to try and tempt the kitties through the wrap with hilarious escape attempt after hilarious escape attempt.

One by one, the cats finally learn how to get out of their plastic wrap cage and make their way toward their owner with all the fun toys. You can hear the owner giggling in the background watching all of the cuteness unfold.
The viral video below is definitely something you’re going to be watching on repeat for the rest of the day. You’re welcome.
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