Ocean tourists get an eyeful when massive whale launches out of water in front of boat
Even in a video this is breathtaking to watch. It was almost as if the whale was teasing them at first.
Cherie Gozon

Whales are one of the most majestic things you’ll ever see.

Pexels|Andrea Holien
Pexels|Andrea Holien

It’s rare to see them out of the water. And when you do, it’s a memory worth treasuring for your entire lifetime. Consider yourself lucky if you’ve seen one jump out of the ocean right before your eyes.

It was always a puzzle on why whales appear out of the water.

Pexels|Rudolf Kirchner
Pexels|Rudolf Kirchner

Recently, however, scientists observed 94 groups of whales and figured out this mystery.

The whale’s surface-active behavior (slapping the surface with their tails and fins and jumping out of the water) is their way of communicating among other whales, and with humans, too.

The way they behave is a tell-tale sign of their emotion.

Pexels|Hector Estrada
Pexels|Hector Estrada

This is called the breaching action which happens when they are annoyed and agitated, especially with barnacles and things that cling to them. They do this as a form of cleansing.

For Killer Whales, breaching is a social act and would signal a group meet-up.

Breaching can also be their form of adding emphasis to how they feel.

Pexels|Andre Estevez
Pexels|Andre Estevez

Sometimes, whales feel aggression, annoyance, excitement, vigor, or signs of courtship.

There may be sounds and signs that they already made underwater that they want to emphasize some more. Thus, they jump out of the water, and it’s a sight people often want to see.

These spectators were waiting eagerly to see one.

YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings
YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings

Tour boats like this are popular in New South Wales, Australia, especially from May to November. It is during these times when whales put on a show.

At first, you can just see the tail coming in and out of the water.

YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings
YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings

It’s like teasing its guests and leave them guessing. Is this whale going to jump out? Or will it keep doing this throughout the tour? All they could do was wait.

The boat was slowly driving closer. They were trying to be very careful so as not to spook the whales underwater. They don’t want that because it might drive them away instead.

A few more moments and out of the blue, this happened:

YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings
YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings

The whale jumped right in front of them.

YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings
YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings

The people were surprised since the whale looked like it was from a distance a few moments back. The thought is, because whales swim fast, they could swim closer to the boat faster than people expected.

Or that it was another whale from underneath since it swam away with other whales right after its appearance.

It’s so nice you’d want to see it twice.

YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings
YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings

You can see in their faces that they were shocked by the whale’s sudden appearance.

But also, very much amused as it is a once in a lifetime experience.

YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings
YouTube Screenshot|Maasai Sightings

Indeed, a remarkable experience to have. How about you? Have you had this same amazing experience? Let us know and share with us how you felt that very moment.

Watch the exciting moment and feel the thrill of it for yourself in the video below!

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