The world is such a better place thanks to dogs. It’s like our furry four-legged pals exist just to make life a little easier.
And to think we can’t always understand them. Our dogs tend to exhibit bizarre and hilarious behavior that gets us scratching our heads.
Wonder no more as we decode the pawsible answers to their ruff behavior.
Hanging out a car window

Here’s a cute sight you can see on the open road.
Dogs do this to take in their surroundings and enjoy the plethora of new scents the highway winds have to offer.
Butt scoot
Here’s another video-worthy moment dogs do.
Dogs will drag their behinds across the ground for the reason that they have a dirty butt they are trying to clean.
Be warned though as this could be an indication of worms or an anal gland problem.
A visit to the vet may be in order.

Intense Eye Contact
We all like being the center of attention from time to time and your dog is no different.
If he is making intense eye contact with you, then your pooch is focused on you and you alone.
Your best friend is alert to your expressions and all that you want from him.

Low front, mouth wide open and wagging tail
This often happens when you and your dog are playing.
All this means is that he is having fun and really enjoying himself.
Your dog could even be bowing to you as a way of saying thanks for an awesome time!

Even low maintenance dogs will demand for your attention a lot.
Don’t worry though as intense staring is not creepy behavior in any way.
All your dog wants is your affection.

Couch Trashing
A couch that has been ransacked could mean that your pup has separation anxiety.
Most dogs will get over this in time, but do make the time to walk him and get his energy out before you leave him alone.
Especially if you’re out most of the time.

Open mouth with relaxed tail but high ears
If your dog looks like this, then she is neutral, relaxed and feeling secure with her surroundings.
Wondering when the best time to approach a strange dog is?
Well here’s your answer, but of course, be careful.

Baring teeth, ears back and snarling
You are obviously looking at an angry, aggressive dog.
He is feeling threatened and is giving fair warning to the intruder.
Do not approach any dog in this state even if he seems to be angry at someone else.
They could turn and take out their aggression on you.

Loose floppy tongue
If a dog’s tongue is hanging out, then he is feeling pretty chill at the moment.
This means there’s nothing wrong in his world at the moment and that everything is okay.

Straight pointed tail and forward ears
A dog behaving like this means he is curious about something within his surroundings.
Maybe he hears a new noise or smells something different and interesting.
That means your dog is ready to play detective.

Rising bark
If your dog starts with a low bark which gets higher towards the end, then he cannot contain his excitement anymore,
Get ready for playtime since he now wants to play with you!

Crazy Legs/Dead Bug
If a dog sleeps with all his limbs sticking up in the air like a dead bug, that means he is submissive and vulnerable.
Not all dogs do this, but if yours does, then he is a laid back and independent doggo who feels secure with his environment.

Low growl
A low growl from your furry pal means she’s anxious and fearful.
A scared animal is unpredictable so don’t startle her when her nerves are obviously getting the best of her at the moment.

Dogs tend to howl at the most annoying times.
When they hear a high-pitched sound, like a siren or train whistle, then they’ll howl back.
No one knows if it’s because they are annoyed, or it is causing discomfort to their ears.

Side Sleepers
Dogs don’t often sleep on their sides for long periods of time, but it is a napping position they seem to like.
This shows that they have strong familial bonds and a lot of trust in their “pack.”
Your dog is probably a carefree happy dog, which is a wonderful thing.

Back to back
Two dogs sleeping back to back is too cute to witness.
It’s even sweeter when a dog sleeps back to back with their humans.
A dog does this with one of his “pack” members if he 100% trusts them.

The Fox
When a dog sleeps with its paws underneath her and her tail wrapped around her face, then she must be cold.
This position lets a dog keep as much heat in as possible.
Visit a wolf den if you’re brave enough and you’ll see them sleeping like this.
A dog could also be apprehensive if it’s not cold out.

Belly curl
A dog who sleeps on his belly with paws either underneath or out to his sides is not getting good quality sleep.
In this position, they can’t reach REM sleep since their muscles cannot relax.
It’s usually the gentle, shy dogs who sleep like this.

Passed Out
When a dog is laying on his back with limbs drooping across the body, there is a good chance he is overheating.
This is how they lay down to cool off.
If both paws are draped across the chest, that means “leave me alone.”
Let your dog cool down and relax for awhile.

If a dog is sprawled out on his belly, he has probably crashed after spending a lot of his energy.
Puppies often sleep like this, since this position allows them to pop back up and resume play time once they open their eyes again.

Wave your paws in the air like you just don’t care
If your dog is standing or sitting with both paws raised, then that means he cares.
This also shows how your dog is trying his best to concentrate.

Going crazy when you get home
This is your dog basically saying, “Finally, you’re here! I missed you all day!”
The wilder your dog gets, the more excited he is seeing you walk through that door.

Some owners will allow their pet to lick their faces while others get grossed out easily even if it’s just their hands.
But when a dog licks you, that means he is being submissive
That’s him easing some of his stress and showing you he loves you.

Post Dinner Cuddles
When a dog snuggles up with you after a big meal, that means he is very comfortable with you.

Giving gifts
If a dog brings you a gift, like a dead animal or your shoe, he is trying to make you happy.
If your reaction is to feel grossed out but you still smile, then he won’t be offended at all.

Helping himself to your bed
If you come home and find your dog laying in your empty bed, that’s because she wants to feel close to you even when you’re not home.
Your bed does have your scent, and that is comfortable for your pet.

Butt Sniffing
The disgusting butt sniff is the equivalent of a human shaking a hand.
This is how they say, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
Or they are trying to get to know the other dog or person whose butt they are sniffing.

Leaning on you
A dog leaning against you is a cry for attention.
He may be feeling neglected and just wants some extra love from you.

Chasing their tail
Here’s a very hilarious antic dogs do. It’s not like they can catch their own tail!
Puppies don’t realize the thing they are chasing is already theirs.
Other dogs will chase their tail when in a confined space or are feeling bored.
Check for fleas or have his anal glands checked if this is a regular occurrence as it may be a sign of a problem.

Staying right by your side
Most people find this habit annoying and an invasion of their personal space.
But your four-legged family member is innately a pack animal, so he desires to be close to his “pack.”
Meaning you even when you are in the bathroom.

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