Vet warns owners to watch out for this outside threat: “It’s like taking a bullet to your dog”
Please check your yard before letting your dog outside.
Harper Gillis

Owning a pet is a significant responsibility that goes beyond just feeding and watering them.

It involves grooming, vaccinating, and ensuring proper socialization among other tasks.

Despite the evident and diverse rewards of sharing a close bond with a pet, maintaining this relationship requires consistent effort and awareness of potential threats to your pet’s well-being.


A new peril that dog owners should be on the lookout for is the foxtail grass.

This seemingly innocuous plant poses a serious threat to your furry friends.

Before letting your dogs roam and play outside, it’s crucial to inspect your property for the presence of foxtail grass, especially if you are located in the Western part of the United States where it is predominantly found.

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Foxtail grass is covered in spikelets, the sharp and protected parts of the plant that carry its seeds.

These spikelets are designed to protect the seeds with a hard and razor-sharp exterior.

This design, while effective for the plant, can cause significant harm to dogs, leading to painful and unsightly injuries.


The seeds or “awns” of the foxtail grass are particularly dangerous because they are biologically designed to burrow into hard ground.

These awns have long hard spikes that, once blown off the plant or scattered by animals, get pushed into the ground, allowing the seeds to descend and germinate, spreading more grass.


The real danger of foxtail grass lies in the potential internal damage it can cause to pets.

Dogs or cats that chew on wild grass could inadvertently swallow a sharp piece, which could then puncture the inside of their mouth or even their internal organs, leading to serious health complications.


While short-haired dogs may be somewhat safer, long-haired dogs are particularly at risk.

The sharp awns can easily get tangled in their thick fur and inadvertently get buried deeper into the flesh.

However, even short-haired dogs with big pointy ears are at risk as the wind can carry the sharp awns directly into their ear canals, causing serious damage.


The key to protecting your pets from the dangers of foxtail grass is knowing where to look for it and avoiding those areas.

Foxtail grass is typically found in areas with little human activity, such as landfills, empty lots, mountain trails, and open fields.

If your dog does fall victim to foxtails, it’s crucial to look out for signs like repeated and unusual sneezing, excessive pawing at the eyes or other parts of their skin.

These are tell-tale signs that your dog may have come into contact with foxtail grass.

To ensure their safety, regularly check the areas where your dog plays and try to avoid exposing them to wild terrain.


In case you suspect your dog has suffered a significant or serious injury from foxtail grass, ensure you get them to a vet right away.

Stay cautious and informed, and keep your pets safe from the hidden dangers of the wild, including the seemingly harmless foxtail grass.

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