As the days went by Dovey’s parents began to grow suspicious. Where could all of the baby’s pacifiers possibly be disappearing to?
Parents are no strangers to missing baby pacifiers. They get dropped and left all over the place all the time.
But that’s not what was happening here. What was happening was that the pacifiers were deliberately being taken.

More than two dozen had disappeared.
The parents of the 4-year-old Shar-Pei had no idea who the culprit was.
But grandma did and the discovery ended with a trip to the veterinarian.
21 pacifiers turned up missing and the only one who seemed to know where they were is this 4 year old Shar-Pai, Dovey Rogers. Can you guess where she was hiding them? @OKCFOX
— Emily Collins (@EmilyTVNews) December 7, 2017
“Dad said grandma had seen her jump up on the counter and grabbed one of the baby’s pacifiers and they had been missing a lot of pacifiers,” Dovey’s vet Dr. Chris Rispoli of Gentle Care Animal Hospital told Local 12.
As soon as grandma witnessed this, Dovey’s parents put her in the car and took her to the hospital.

Rispoli had been Dovey’s veterinarian since she was just a puppy. He immediately knew something was wrong with the dog.
It was obvious that the dog had lost weight.
Rispoli ordered an x-ray for Dovey and was completely shocked by what he found. So, was Dovey’s family!

“You can see here; these are all of them stacked up on each other in the stomach,” Rispoli said. “In 20 years, this is the craziest surgery I’ve ever done. They were pretty stunned. Because we thought there were seven to nine in there, and I pulled out 21.”

The veterinarian ended up posting photos of Dovey’s x-rays and pacifiers on Facebook.
That post was shared more than 1,900 times.
“So fare warning, some people may find the following series of photos disturbing!!” Rispoli said in his post.

“I have to show them for two reasons, first, this was the most fascinating and exciting surgery I have ever done or my staff has ever been a part of. We love Dovey, and she is doing GREAT post-op.”

Rispoli explained that Dovey’s dad, “who incidentally sutured my forehead together last year when the leaf blower fell off the shelf in the garage and tonto my face!!” and mom just had their second child.
And that they couldn’t figure out where their binkies were going until grandma saw Dovey jump on the counter and grab one.
“She recently had slowed down her eating and vomited a little phlegm for a few days but other than that was acting fine,” he continued.

“When she vomited up a binkie, plus the story from grandma, dad brought her in for an x-ray.”
Rispoli told his Facebook friends that they counted about nine in the x-ray but ended up finding 21 pacifiers in Davey’s belly.
“That is the second, and most important, reason I am sharing these photos.”

And it’s a good thing because tons of people shared stories in the comments about their dogs swallowing random things.
Rispoli says it’s crucial to make sure you not only baby proof your home but also dog-proof your home.
“Dog’s will eat anything, anytime and at any age so always be watching,” he said on Facebook.
“Put things away,” Rispoli urged. “Don’t leave them on the countertop.”
Especially pacifiers!
You can learn more about how Rispoli helped Dovey with her pacifier problem in the video below.
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Source: Local 12, OKC FOX 25, USA Today, Oklahoma News 4