A puppy a day keeps the doctor away.
It’s good to have a puppy, it really is!
Dog owners know that having a fur friend is one of the best things life can offer. Not only do they encourage owners to move more, but having a dog is also associated with reduced stress and increased happiness. Articles have also been written about how having a pet has largely been beneficial during this pandemic.

Driving an Uber has its ups and downs
Being an uber driver is great. You have flexible hours and you get to explore the city. However, with all its perks, it can be a pretty lonely job.
This Uber driver had a great idea
YouTube vlogger and Uber Driver Eddie Doyle is also a proud dog owner. He does not know his baby’s breed but could not care less. He loves her just the same.
One day to spice up his rides, he decides to bring his dog (called Suzy) along.

Monday, bloody Monday
We all know that Mondays can be difficult. After a weekend of fun and relaxation, going back to work can be disconcerting. This certainly is the case for Eddie’s first customers on this particular Monday.

Customer care
As the ride rolls on, we see Eddie’s customers do the usual preparation for a day at work. They check their messages or fix their make-up. Some simply stare out the window to clear their minds.
Eddie does his best to make them comfortable. He greets them and does some small talk. The customers readily chat back.

His clients’ day is about to get cuter
The polite exchange comes to a lovely end as our dog-loving driver pulls out his secret weapon – Suzy! The customers are delighted to see our furry friend. They immediately try to hold and cuddle her.

Suzy does not mind the extra love
All the attention does not scare Suzy away. She enjoys the ear rubs, the hugs, and the attention. The customer is completing her day as much as she is making theirs.

Eddie notices a strange pattern
In between clients, Eddie and Suzy have some alone time. Our dad pup does not waste time. He showers his fur ball with love.
In the middle of their chit-chat, Eddie asks her why people speak with higher voices around puppies. Since Suzy cannot speak for herself, Eddie goes to the Internet for answers.

His mind is blown with the answer
The all-knowing internet’s answer to Eddie’s question is this – dogs remind people of babies. We are not surprised at all. Both are too cute to ignore.

He could not “paws” the business
Eddie and Suzy’s Uber rides continue. Throughout the day, they meet different people who interestingly have the same reaction towards Suzy. They all adore her.

5-star rating on Uber, 10-star rating in life
Eddie and Suzy also brought smiles to the millions who have watched the video so far. There are very few who could resist great customer service. There are even fewer who do not appreciate a surprise puppy coming out of the passenger’s chair.
How about you? Would you give Eddie a 5-star rating in Uber, too?
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