“Heartless trapper” melts 3.5 million hearts crossing cold river to rescue baby deer
"Don't know who's more precious. The baby deer or the big burly man with a soft heart." 🥹
Elijah Chan

The story kicks off with a nail-biting scene: a baby deer struggling to stay afloat in the water.

The tiny fawn is clearly in danger of drowning, and it grabs the attention of a nearby trapper.

He’s in a bit of a pickle, knowing that you’re generally not supposed to touch wild baby animals, but also unable to just stand there and do nothing.


In the end, the need to save this little critter wins out, setting up a dramatic rescue.

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Without a moment’s hesitation, the man jumps into action.

He pulls the shivering, fragile fawn out of the cold water.


His first priority is to get the little one dry and warm, because its life is literally hanging by a thread.

There’s a real sense of urgency as he works, fully aware that he’s walking a fine line between helping and potentially harming.

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While he’s warming the fawn, the man talks about a common worry.

Human scent might lead the mother to abandon her baby.

This concern, although widespread, adds another layer of stress to the situation.

Still, the immediate need to save the fawn from hypothermia takes precedence over everything else.

YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control
YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control

The man takes the baby deer to a warmer spot, doing his best to raise its body temperature.

He even gently blows warm air on the little deer, trying to calm its shivers.

Realizing he might need some expert advice, he calls a buddy at Fish and Game.

This call brings a bit of hope and some crucial information about wildlife care.

YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control
YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control

His friend from Fish and Game busts a big myth: mothers don’t abandon their babies just because humans have touched them.

This is a huge relief. The expert suggests that the best move is to return the fawn to where it was found.

This advice is comforting, highlighting that the natural bond between a mother and her young is much stronger than any human scent.

YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control
YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control

Armed with this new knowledge, the man gets ready to take the fawn back to its original spot.

He talks about the importance of not interfering with wildlife, acknowledging the unique circumstances that led him to step in.

The decision to save the fawn from the water, despite the risks, is reaffirmed as the right call in this emergency.

YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control
YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control

Reflecting on his role as a hunter and trapper, the man shares thoughts about compassion and respect for wildlife.

This experience highlights the delicate balance between hunting for food and protecting vulnerable animals.

His actions show a deep respect for life, proving that hunting and caring for wildlife can indeed go hand in hand.

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YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control

In the final moments, the man successfully returns the fawn to the wild.

He hopes that the mother will come back and take care of her baby.

The fawn, now stronger and no longer shivering, is placed back in its natural environment.

It’s a touching scene, filled with relief and hope for the fawn’s future.

YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control
YouTube Screenshot - LoboPro Predator Control

As the story wraps up, the man shares personal reflections about the land, which holds a lot of family history.

This connection to his great-grandfather’s ranch adds depth to the tale, showing how care and respect for nature have been passed down through generations.

The final message is all about harmony with nature, blending the roles of hunter, conservationist, and storyteller into a powerful tribute to life and legacy.

See how tenderly this trapper treats baby deer after pulling her from river below!

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