Little dogs might just be the best! While the debate between “big dogs” and “small dogs” may never be resolved, we can all appreciate the ridiculous cuteness that our tiny fluffballs have. One of the smallest breeds in the world is known as a Toy Poodle. Toy Poodles usually weigh less than eight pounds and are super fluffy!

One video shows just how cute a little poodle can be.

A recent video details the story of a toy poodle that goes to get groomed for the very first time. The small pup is only three months old and has been getting bigger (respectively) every day. After a few months, it’s time for the little one’s first visit to the groomers.
This may be the cutest dog you have ever seen.

Starting off the video, we see a little tan poodle doing his best to climb stairs that wouldn’t be an issue for most other dogs. The little guy starts following his owner on his way to get groomed for the very first time. With the global pandemic, many people have done their best to groom their own dogs (to hilarious results) or just wait it out.
With wonderful “adventure” music playing, this little trip feels like an adventure.

Getting to the groomers, they start by looking through the pups ears and making sure that everything is clean and clear. Through the entire process, the little guy seems to be doing fine!

Next step – a bath!

Once they checked the ears, it was time for a bath. You can see he was a bit nervous as they filled up the basin that he was going to get a bath in. Who can blame the little guy, it is all new and loud for him. Thankfully, once he gets into the warm water, he seems to do ok. Using a cloth, they wipe off all the eye boogies and soak the pup all the way through.
Once the puppy is wet, you see just how small it is!

Even with the soap, you can see just how tiny this little dog is. While the original video caption says “Toy Poodle,” it may be closer to the off-breed known as a Teacup Poodle. After the bath, they place the little dog into a tiny little cup! It just shows how cute and small he is.

With a flower on its head, it looks extra cute.

While they are giving the little dog its bath, they even put a flower on its head! It is definitely cold and shivering, so they don’t hold it too long in the water. Its time to get warm and fluffy again. They pull out the hairdryer and get to work.
After some brushing and blowing, the puff is back!

The little dog is looking back to its normal self after its bath and fluff. Now that it’s clean, it’s time for a trim! The first thing they do is trim around the eyes to make sure that the little dog can see properly.
Once it has been brushed and trimmed, it’s time to head home!

Dogs are always so excited to head home after a trip to the groomers! That fresh feeling of being clean and fluffy is always wonderful for them. With over 16 million views, people seem to love watching cute dogs get groomed!
Check out the video below!
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