When a dog named Stormy was brought to the Almost Home Animal Haven by animal control, workers could tell that he had been through a lot. He was severely abused, but they had no idea just how bad things really were for the dog.

Stormy was found living with three other puppies in horrible conditions where there were obvious signs of torture and abuse.
The vets at the shelter gave Stormy a checkup and determined that many of his injuries were likely the result of dog fighting. They were so bad that the vets assumed Stormy must have been used as a bait dog.

A representative from the shelter explained some of his injuries.
She said:
“He has gashes where he looks like he was cut with a knife.”
They also determined that abuse and neglect of the owner caused some injuries. The representative continued:
“He was chained up in a garage, and he was hung up by his neck.”

Even after animal control tried to rescue the dogs, the owner refused to hand them over.
That meant they had to be confiscated. This took some time, and all the while, the dogs were living horrible lives at the hands of the person who was supposed to be caring for them.
The other dogs suffered injuries similar to Stormy’s. Some of them included:
“Broken bones, untreated wounds, bound mouths, maggots, undernourishment – these are typical things bait dogs experience.”

The dogs all received emergency veterinary care.
When they healed enough, they hopefully were able to go to new homes and live normal lives.
Dog fighting is a serious problem all over the world. Although it is illegal in the United States, there are many underground organizations that still host dog fights. The point of many of these fights is to kill the bait dog. Dogs are released to either fight one another or attack a bait dog to see who can kill or incapacitate it first. It’s bloody, violent, and heartbreaking.

The people who host these dog fights have gotten good at hiding them, which makes it hard for law enforcement to catch up with them.
Only when dogs have noticeable injuries are their owners reported, often by neighbors, so the dogs can be rescued.
According to the Pet Insurance Pro;
“The top prizes at pro-level dogfights can be as high as $100,000. While participating in dogfighting is a felony in every state except Idaho and Wyoming, in many places it is not illegal to be a spectator at a dogfight or to own a fighting dog. Maximum penalties now include up to three years in jail and $250,000 in fines, though prosecution of criminals is somewhat rare. Websites, registries, and magazines cater to dogfight enthusiasts.”

Pit bulls are often used as fighting dogs because they are so tough.
The dogs are deliberately abused to make them angry and submissive to humans, so they are more likely to fight. Puppies or dogs that won’t fight are used as bait dogs and left to the mercy of the dogs who will fight.
Thousands of dogs are killed every day because of dog fighting, and many more are turned over or confiscated because of it.
Luckily, Stormy was adopted in July 2017.
He now lives with a loving family who gives him all the care and attention he needs.
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