Tiny teddy bear kitten grows up into cuddliest big bear cat
Molle the cat goes through quite the transformation over the years!
Colby Maxwell

We never truly know how our little pets are going to turn out when they grow up! Our kittens and puppies look and act one way when they are little and another when they are older! The fun and excitement of that process is what makes being a pet-parent so awesome!


One kitten shows us just how funny the transition into adulthood can be.


Our little fluffballs really do melt our hearts! As they get older, they may not have the same kitten-like complexion that endeared us to them originally, but they still hold a special place in our hearts and homes.

Molle is a kitten that might be mistaken for a teddy-bear!

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Molle is one of the cutest bears you will ever see – did I say bear? I meant cat. There is really no difference between them, however. Even better, Molle is one of those cats who loves to snuggle and doesn’t just hide away in some unreachable area of the house.

Can you guess what his name means?


Molle is the Italian word for soft! It makes sense, too. Molle looks like someone took a huge bag of cotton balls, dunked them in coffee, and shredded them up. In short, he looks as soft as can be.

Molle had a long way to go to become the snuggly cat he is today.

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Thankfully, Molle has a brother who helped him out. Molle moved in with his new parents and was coming from a rough situation. His parents don’t specify what the situation looked like before they adopted him, but it wasn’t good.

When Molle came home the first night, it was love at first sight.

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During the car ride to the house, Molle cried and cried the whole way home! When they finally opened the crate door, however, he went straight to his mom and slept the rest of the way.


The next day he explored the house.

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While walking around and exploring the new home, Molle would meow whenever his family tried to go and do something! He just loved having them around to reassure him. Molle needed them around for comfort, at least until he met Ralf!

Ralf was the one who showed Molle how to “cat”.


When Molle met Ralf, it was like a long lost connection.

“It was love at first sight, at least for Molle,” shared Jakob. “He never really seemed scared of Ralf’s hissing or growling. He even climbed over things just to meet him.”

Nowadays, kitten-sized Molle is gone.


The chocolate-colored fluffball has seen some changes, but he is still the same lovable snuggle bud! He is confident and happy, a testament to having a family who loves and cares for him properly. With the right love and care, a kitten can turn out to be a wonderful cat, even one who comes from a rough background.

You can keep up with Molle!


The great part is that you don’t even have to say goodbye! Molle has his own Instagram that you can follow if you need an injection of cute in your life.

Check it out below!

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