Tiny Quail Eggs Hatch - Then German Shepherd Approaches Them
These quails and the German Shepherd have a very 'special' relationship.
Cedric Jackson

Large dog breeds are often credited with vicious attacks.

While there have been some large dog breeds who have attacked people in the past, there are just as many small breed dog attacks, if not more, that happens every day. The truth is, most large breed dogs are gentle giants. They wouldn’t think of hurting their owners and are often just as gentle and caring with other small animals.

This German shepherd is an example of a big dog with an even bigger heart.


His name is Thorin, and he not only tolerated some baby birds, he helped to raise them. His owners had a few baby quail eggs that were hatching, and they knew the chicks would need another animal to bond with and to help them survive. Most people would have been nervous about putting newborn chicks next to a big dog, but Thorin’s owners were never worried.

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They placed the tiny chicks down on the carpet next to him and watched as his nurturing side came out. He was instantly interested in the chicks and did what everyone wants to do when they see newborn chicks: He started to snuggle them.

He didn’t hesitate to reach out his giant paws and pull these chicks in close to him.

The quail chicks weren’t a bit afraid, either. They instantly got close to Thorin and settled in right next to him as if he was their mother. They needed his warmth, and he didn’t mind the snuggles one bit. His owners were not surprised; they knew Thorin was the perfect dog for the job.


He had never shown an aggressive side and was always accepting of people and other animals. Of course, raising baby quails is different than raising puppies, but with the help of his owners, Thorin seems to be doing just fine. He is the perfect surrogate parent.

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In the past, German shepherds have been bred as attack dogs, guard dogs, and even hunters.

Police officers even use them to chase down criminals and keep them down until officers arrive. They are very smart and take direction well. Of course, some things can’t be taught, and a nurturing and loving instinct is one of them. There was always a chance that Thorin’s attack dog and hunting instincts could have kicked in and he could have torn the quails to shreds, but it looks like love was the stronger instinct here.


Thorin has grown attached to his quails and lets them follow him all around the house.

Of course, quails grow up fast so Thorin may find that he has some adult birds that like to follow him just the same. Will he be as tolerant as them? Seeing how sweet and caring Thorin is, it’s safe to say he probably won’t mind. But what will happen when the quails have to leave or no longer need his care? Will he be so quick to let go?

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His owners may have to find him another adorable baby animal to care for to feel the void.

They may have started something with Thorin that they can’t stop. Hopefully, he takes the transition well and his owners will let him get a new pet of his own. After all, he has proven that he can take care of a handful of chicks; he can probably handle anything else they throw at him.


Who would have thought that a big dog would be so loving of an entirely different species? The human race should take some notes from this dog. It doesn’t matter what you look like or where you come from. Love is love, and it trumps everything else.

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